Walking Lunges: Muscles Involved, Benefits, And Types


Video: Walking Lunges: Muscles Involved, Benefits, And Types

Video: Walking Lunges: Muscles Involved, Benefits, And Types
Video: What Muscle Groups Do Walking Lunges Work? : Dynamic Exercises 2024, April
Walking Lunges: Muscles Involved, Benefits, And Types
Walking Lunges: Muscles Involved, Benefits, And Types

Walking lunges are an excellent way to strengthen your lower muscles. They are a modified version of stationary lunges.

It is important to tone the inner and outer thigh muscles as it promotes hip stability, boosts athletic performance, and adds to the overall thigh mass. Lunges can help you achieve all of this.

This article discusses the muscles involved in walking lunges and the benefits of it. Scroll up!

Table Of Contents

  • Types Of Lunges
  • What Muscles Do Walking Lunges Work?
  • Benefits Of Walking Lunges
  • Precautions

Types Of Lunges

Stationary Lunges

Source: Youtube

The stationary lunge includes a downward movement that involves a strong eccentric contraction of the hams, quads, and glutes.

This ensures that the entire weight of the body falls on the forward leg. The leg that trails (the backward leg) provides balance and support to the body.

During the upward movement, both the legs take the pressure to push the body back to the standing position.

Walking Lunges

Source: Youtube

In the walking lunge, the downward movement remains the same, with the same pressure being put on all the leg and thigh muscles. However, the upward movement is different.

All the focus is on the forward leg. All the muscles of the forward leg are contracted maximally in the attempt to stand straight again. One needs stability while performing this exercise.

Walking Lunges With Weight

Source: Youtube

In this, all the movements are the same as that in walking lunges. You need to hold a dumbbell in each hand while doing this exercise.

What Muscles Do Walking Lunges Work?

Walking lunges work on the following muscles and muscles groups:

  • Gluteal muscles
  • Hamstring
  • Quadriceps
  • Calves
  • Core muscles
  • Back muscles

Benefits Of Walking Lunges

Walking lunges offer the following benefits:

1. Improve Balance

A workout based on lunges works both sides of the body, making it a unilateral exercise. This improves balance and coordination (1). Exercises like squats and dead-lifts cannot provide similar results.

2. Boost Functionality

Walking lunges train the body in such a way that its functionality improves many folds. They also help one acquire a better body posture (2).

3. Aid Symmetrical Toning

Since walking lunges concentrate on the ignored parts of the body, they can help you achieve a symmetrically toned body. Walking lunges workouts take care of body parts that other exercises tend to overlook.

A study on soccer players showed that practicing forward lunges helped to strengthen hamstring muscles and improved the running speed (3).

4. Boost Hip Flexibility

Walking lunges boost the flexibility of the hip flexor muscles, which tend to become tight due to the sedentary lifestyle we lead (4).

Apart from stretching exercises, lunges are a remarkable way to impart flexibility to the hip and thigh muscles (1).

5. Tone The Gluteal Muscles

The gluteal muscles are mostly left unutilized during regular workouts. Walking lunges can help focus on their activation and mobilize them with regular practice (2).

6. Improve Core Stability

Standing unilateral exercises (all form of lunges) help to strengthen the core and improve stamina (5). They help to strengthen the core muscles with their up and down motion.

7. Provide Rest For The Spine

While most forms of exercise would leave your back strained, walking lunges tend to provide rest and recovery to your spine. If you are into heavy workouts and weight training, walking lunges can be the perfect way to rest your spine (6).

Note: Walking lunge is one of the best exercises for sportspersons. It improves leg endurance, overall lower limb strength, and the firing pattern of the glutes and the hams.


  • As walking lunges require more balance and coordination, there are chances of you falling. Concentrate on your breathing and practice walking lunges under proper supervision.
  • Keep your spine and upper body erect while performing walking lunges. Do not lean forward.
  • Engage your core and balance your torso and hip while doing this exercise.


Lunges may seem like such a basic exercise. But the reality is that lunges, especially walking lunges, can give your body a good workout. If you are planning your workout regimen, make sure walking lunges are a part of it. We suggest you talk to an expert and create a workout plan that works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you do walking lunges every day?

Yes, you can do walking lunges every day under proper supervision. However, perform different combinations of exercise for better results.

How many sets of walking lunges should I do?

You can do 10-20 repetitions with 2-3 cycles. If you are a beginner, start slowly and increase the pace gradually.

Do walking lunges make your thighs bigger?

Walking lunges help tone up thigh muscles. If you want bigger thighs, combine lunges with other forms of exercise and lift weights.

6 sources

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  • Mišična aktivnost jedra med dvostransko, enostransko, sedečo in stoječo vajo upora, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Ameriška nacionalna medicinska knjižnica, Nacionalni inštitut za zdravje.


  • Recept za vaje v hrbtenici v športu: razvrščanje fizičnega treninga in rehabilitacije po nameri in rezultatu, Journal of Athletic Training, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.



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