10 Z Dokazi Podprte Zdravstvene Koristi Zelja


Video: 10 Z Dokazi Podprte Zdravstvene Koristi Zelja

Video: 10 Z Dokazi Podprte Zdravstvene Koristi Zelja
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10 Z Dokazi Podprte Zdravstvene Koristi Zelja
10 Z Dokazi Podprte Zdravstvene Koristi Zelja

Zelje je med najbolj priljubljenimi križnicami. Gosto je napolnjena s hranili, vključno z vitalnimi minerali in vitamini.

Ta zelenjava je na voljo v različnih barvah, njeni listi pa so lahko skrčeni ali gladki.

Raziskave navajajo njegovo sposobnost krepitve zdravja srca in pomoči pri zdravljenju vnetij in raka. V tem prispevku opisujemo več o tem, kaj različne študije navajajo o zelju in njegovi uporabi.


  • Kako je zelje dobro za vas?
  • Kako vam koristi zelje?
  • Kakšen je prehranski profil zelja?
  • Kako vključiti zelje v svojo prehrano
  • Kakšni so stranski učinki zelja?

Kako je zelje dobro za vas?

Zelje vsebuje štiri glavne antioksidante. To so holin, beta-karoten, lutein in kvercetin.

Holin lahko izboljša spomin in se bori proti vnetjem. Prepreči lahko tudi okvare nevralne cevi pri nosečnicah (1).

Beta-karoten ščiti človeško DNA pred škodljivimi učinki kajenja (2).

Lutein lahko prepreči starostno degeneracijo rumene pege (3).

Kvercetin se bori proti škodljivim bakterijam in se bori proti boleznim (4).

Zelje je bogato tudi z vitamini C in K ter vitamini B, ki ponujajo obilo drugih koristi. Zelje je na voljo v različnih sortah, vključno z:

  • Topovsko zelje (imenovano tudi zeleno zelje, najpogostejša sorta)
  • Bok choy
  • Choy sum
  • Napa zelje
  • Savojsko zelje
  • rdeče zelje

Ne glede na sorto so koristi podobne. Križnata zelenjava je na splošno ena najbolj raziskanih skupin živil. Zelje je med priljubljenimi. Naslednji odsek bo osvetlil, kako vam lahko koristi zelje v vaši običajni prehrani.

Kako vam koristi zelje?

Zelje je bogato z različnimi antioksidanti, vključno z antocianini in sulforafanom. Ti pomagajo v boju proti vnetjem in z njimi povezanimi boleznimi, kot so bolezni srca in rak. Fermentirane oblike zelja lahko izboljšajo tudi vaše prebavno zdravje.

1. Lahko spodbuja zdravje srca

Rdeče zelje je bogato z antocianini (5). Te spojine so odgovorne za značilno rdečo barvo. Študije antocianine povezujejo z manjšim tveganjem za bolezni srca, čeprav so potrebne dolgoročnejše raziskave (6).

Visok vnos antocianinov lahko zmanjša tudi tveganje za miokardni infarkt pri ženskah mladih in srednjih let. Nadaljnja preskušanja bi nam morala dati več informacij o tem vidiku (7). Ti antocianini lahko tudi zmanjšajo togost arterij, kar lahko zmanjša krvni tlak (8).

Kislo zelje, fermentirani pripravek zelja, prav tako spodbuja zdravje srca (9). Menijo, da kislo zelje nevtralizira črevesno floro, katerega kemični stranski proizvodi bi lahko utrdili arterije. Vendar je za vzpostavitev te povezave potrebno več raziskav.

Rdeče zelje ščiti srce tudi z zmanjšanjem ravni slabega holesterola v telesu (10).

2. Lahko izboljša zdravje prebavil

Kimchi, druga fermentirana hrana, pripravljena iz zelja, lahko spodbuja zdravje prebavil. Je bogata s probiotiki in na podoben način kot jogurt in drugi mlečni izdelki spodbuja zdravje prebavil. Kimchi preprečuje zaprtje in spodbuja zdravje debelega črevesa in danke (11).

Tudi zelje je bogato tako z netopnimi kot topnimi vlakni. Prvi doda blatu večino in spodbuja pravilnost (12). Slednji spodbuja črevesju prijazne bakterije (13).

3. maj se bori proti vnetju

Čeprav samo vnetje ni slabo, je kronično vnetje. Križarske zelenjave, kot je zelje, se borijo proti kroničnim vnetjem (14).

V študiji so ženske, ki so uživale največ križnic, pokazale najnižjo stopnjo vnetja. Študija deloma povezuje vnos takšne zelenjave z zmanjšanim vnetjem (15). To lahko pripišemo antioksidantu, imenovanem sulforafan, ki je prisoten v križnicah (16). Sulforafan lahko upočasni tudi poškodbe hrustanca v sklepih (17).

V drugi študiji so obloge z zeljem pomagale lajšati vnetje kolena pri bolnikih z osteoartritisom. Priporočamo jih lahko tistim z osteoartritisom kolena, čeprav je potrebno več raziskav (18).

Fitokemikalije zelja lahko pomagajo tudi v boju proti zdravstvenim težavam, povezanim z vnetji, vključno z rakom in boleznijo koronarnih arterij (zamašene arterije) (19).

4. Lahko ponudi zaščito pred rakom

Raziskave potekajo protirakavim učinkom sulforafana. Na molekularni ravni je ta antioksidant pokazal obetavne rezultate (20).

Zelje vsebuje tudi drugo vrsto spojin, imenovanih izotiocianati. Ti lahko razorožijo rakotvorne snovi, tako da jih izvlečejo iz strupenih stanj in jih izperejo iz telesa (21).

Zelje vsebuje še eno spojino, imenovano brassinin, ki ima tudi kemopreventivno aktivnost (22).

V študijah na podganah in miših bi lahko spojine v zelju (na splošno križnata zelenjava) zavirale razvoj raka na mehurju, dojkah, debelem črevesu, jetrih, želodcu in pljučih (23), (24).

5. Lahko pomaga pri zdravljenju diabetesa

Rdeče zelje ima antihiperglikemične lastnosti, kar lahko zmanjša tveganje za diabetično nefropatijo (25). Izvleček rdečega zelja se tudi obeta pri lajšanju diabetesa in njegovih žilnih zapletov (26).

V študiji je peroralno dajanje izvlečkov zelja znižalo raven sladkorja v krvi pri kuncih na tešče in lajšalo simptome diabetika pri depankretiziranih psih (27).

Antocianini v zelju bi lahko imeli tudi vlogo pri zdravljenju (in celo preprečevanju) diabetesa (28).

6. Lahko promovira zdravje vida

Lutein v zelju prispeva k zdravju vida. Lutein (skupaj z drugim antioksidantom, imenovanim zeaksantin) ščiti mrežnico in lečo pred ultravijolično svetlobo. Zelje vsebuje tudi sledove zeaksantina (29).

Cabbage also contains vitamin C, another nutrient that aids vision. It may regenerate vitamin E inside the eye, which is an antioxidant important for vision health (30).

7. May Strengthen Immunity

The vitamin C in cabbage could strengthen immunity, though more studies are needed to further validate this statement (31). The antioxidant stimulates the white blood cells that help form the first line of defense. It also promotes the maturation of T-cells, which are an important component of the body’s immune system (32).

8. May Help With Weight Loss

Fruits and vegetables containing fiber (including cabbage) can help with weight loss (33). Some individuals also believe in a particular weight loss diet made of cabbages, called the cabbage soup diet.

This diet involves the intake of large amounts of cabbage soup for seven days. You may also consume certain other fruits and veggies, brown rice, chicken, and beef.

Though proponents say it is a good way to lose a few pounds quickly, you shouldn’t be staying on it for more than a week because it lacks in complex carbohydrates, protein, and other vitamins and minerals (34).

9. May Improve Skin Health

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C. This nutrient boosts the production of collagen, a structural protein that helps with skin formation and wound healing (35).

As per mice studies, red cabbage may also have a role in preventing skin cancer (36).

10. Might Strengthen Hair

Cabbage contains quercetin. This antioxidant shows some promise in the treatment of alopecia areata (an autoimmune condition involving sudden hair loss). Mice studies show that subcutaneous injections of quercetin may induce hair growth in preexisting alopecic lesions (37).

We need more research in this regard, though. Of course, the studies have been promising. But we are yet to see how effective the quercetin in cabbage can be in boosting hair growth in humans.

The above benefits can undoubtedly be attributed to the powerful nutrients present in cabbage. Let’s take a look at its nutritional profile.

What Is The Nutrition Profile Of Cabbage?

Calories Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Carbohydrate
Protein Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium

Including cabbage in your regular diet is one way of benefiting from these nutrients. In the following section, we will discuss how you can do that.

How To Include Cabbage In Your Diet

The first thing to do is pick the right cabbage. You need to choose one that is heavy for its size. Also, ensure the leaves are tight and firm. Loose leaves indicate the cabbage is older.

You can eat this veggie raw, boiled, steamed, roasted, stuffed, or even sautéed. Don’t overcook cabbage as doing so leads to the characteristic sulfurous odor.

Following are the ways you can include cabbage in your diet:

  • Add shredded cabbage to your evening vegetable salad.
  • Add chopped cabbage to the soup you have for dinner.
  • Drizzle roasted cabbage with powdered black pepper, olive oil, and minced garlic and have it as it is.

Eating raw cabbage can offer the greatest amount of nutrients, followed by fermenting and cooking. Plan your cabbage meals accordingly. But before you do that, you should know the possible side effects of cabbage.

What Are The Side Effects Of Cabbage?

Possible Issues During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Avoid eating raw cabbage to cut the risk of food-borne illness (38). Ensure you cook cabbage properly before consumption.


If you are allergic to other veggies from the cabbage family (like broccoli or cauliflower) (39), stay away from cabbage.

May Lower Blood Sugar Way Too Much

If you are already on diabetes medication, do check with your doctor before you start consuming cabbage (40). This is to ensure your blood pressure doesn’t go way too low.


Cabbage may interfere with the thyroid hormone. If you have hypothyroidism, cut back (or even avoid) cabbage. This is truer with raw cabbage. Consult your doctor too (41).


Cabbage is a nutrient-dense healthy food with a strong nutritional profile. Eating cabbage may help improve your digestive health, fight inflammation, and strengthen your immune system. However, be wary of the side effects. If you have hypothyroidism, check with your doctor before consuming cabbage.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How to store cabbage?

Wrap cabbage tightly in a plastic wrap (if it is already cut) or in a sealable plastic bag (if it is whole). You can store the cabbage in the crisper draw in your refrigerator for up to 2 to 3 weeks.

Is cabbage keto?

Since cabbage is comparatively low in carbohydrates, it can be a part of your keto diet.

Is cooked cabbage is good for you?

Eating raw or lightly cooked cabbage is good for health. Cooking cabbage at high temperatures for long periods destroys the active enzymes in it.

Is cabbage healthier than lettuce?

In terms of proteins and vitamins, cabbage is healthier than lettuce. A regular serving of cabbage meets 60% of the RDA of vitamin C intake, while lettuce only meets about 4% of the RDA of the vitamin (42), (43), (44). Cabbage also contains vitamin B6, while lettuce does not. Hence, cabbage could be a healthier option than lettuce.

Is cabbage water healthy?

Yes, cabbage water is healthy. Vitamins E and C in the vegetable can stimulate the digestive and immune systems. Drinking cabbage water is linked to many benefits, including weight loss, improved gut health, decreased inflammation, balanced hormones, and body detoxification. However, none of them have been scientifically proven.

How long does it take cabbage juice to heal an ulcer?

On average, cabbage juice can heal ulcers after 7-10 days of treatment. In one study, 13 participants with stomach and upper digestive tract ulcers were given around one quart (946 ml) of fresh cabbage juice throughout the day (45).

What are the possible issues of eating cabbage during surgery?

Cabbage may affect blood sugar control during and after surgical procedures. Avoid eating it at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

45 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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  • Efficacy of Cabbage Leaf Wraps in the Treatment of Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized Controlled Trial, The Clinical Journal of Pain, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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