Dilotni Načrt Za 2000 Kalorij: 7-dnevni Načrt Prehrane Za Hujšanje


Video: Dilotni Načrt Za 2000 Kalorij: 7-dnevni Načrt Prehrane Za Hujšanje

Video: Dilotni Načrt Za 2000 Kalorij: 7-dnevni Načrt Prehrane Za Hujšanje
Video: Odlični partnerici 2024, Maj
Dilotni Načrt Za 2000 Kalorij: 7-dnevni Načrt Prehrane Za Hujšanje
Dilotni Načrt Za 2000 Kalorij: 7-dnevni Načrt Prehrane Za Hujšanje

V skladu s prehranskimi smernicami za Američane (2015–2020) je 2000 kalorij zadostnih za izpolnitev dnevnih potreb in vodenje zdravega načina življenja (1). Odrasle ženske potrebujejo od 1600 do 2400 kalorij, odrasli moški pa od 2000 do 3000 kalorij na dan, kar se lahko razlikuje glede na starost in telesno aktivnost (2).

Če pa vodite sedeči življenjski slog in zaužijete več kalorij, kot zahteva vaše telo, se boste zredili in tvegali razvoj bolezni, povezanih z debelostjo. 2000-kalorična dieta s šestimi polnovrednimi, okusnimi obroki in lahkimi vajami pomaga zmanjšati kalorije, pospeši metabolizem in sproži izgubo teže.

V tem članku bomo razpravljali o 2000-kaloričnem prehranskem načrtu za 7 dni in o hrani, ki jo jemo, ter se izognili čim večjemu izboljšanju zdravstvenih koristi te prehrane.


  • Kaj je 2000-kalorična prehrana?
  • 7-dnevni načrt kalorij za leto 2000

    • 1. dan
    • 2. dan
    • 3. dan
    • 4. dan
    • 5. dan
    • 6. dan
    • 7. dan
  • Kdo mora nadaljevati s prehranskim načrtom 2000 kalorij?
  • Kaj morate storiti pred začetkom diete?
  • Lahka vadba za kurjenje kalorij
  • Hrana za jesti
  • Hrani, ki se ji je treba izogniti
  • Ne in ne

Kaj je 2000-kalorična prehrana?

2000-kalorična dieta je načrt, ki omejuje vaš vnos kalorij na 2000 kalorij na dan.

To je izhodišče za izgubo teže, zato je priporočljivo nadaljevati s to dieto en teden, preden poskusite z dieto z nižjimi kalorijami. Po enem tednu lahko preidete na 1500-kalorično dieto in nato na 1200-kalorično dieto, da izgubite težo.

Vedno se posvetujte s svojim dietetikom, kateri kalorični razpon je primeren za vas glede na vašo višino, težo, starost in telesno aktivnost.

7-dnevni načrt kalorij za leto 2000

    1. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca dneva 1

Nov dan z novo rutino se lahko počuti odlično ali pa se mu lahko upirate. Do konca 1. dne se bodo vaše želje začele vračati nazaj ali pa niste pravilno sledili prehranski shemi. Ampak to je v redu. Popijte košček čokolade in popijte dovolj vode. Privoščite si dober počitek in bodite pripravljeni na 2. dan.

    2. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca dneva 2

Počasi ga boste začeli razumeti. Ker boste tudi telovadili, boste morda utrujeni. Toda verjemite mi, jutri bo izginilo. Pred spanjem ne pozabite označiti svojega kontrolnega seznama in ustvariti kontrolnega seznama za jutri.

    3. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca dneva 3

Do konca 3. dne bi izgubili veliko vodne teže in to se bo prikazalo na tehtnici. To vam bo seveda prineslo nasmeh na obraz, vi pa boste bolj odločni in prepričani, da boste sledili dieti.

    4. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca dneva 4

4. dan se bo začel z veliko noto, ker ste zadovoljni s svojim napredkom. To je majhna odskočna deska in čaka vas še dolga pot. Do konca dneva boste zadovoljni in boste to resno mislili, ko boste rekli kakršno koli škodljivo hrano, čokolado ali alkohol, ki vam je na voljo.

    5. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca 5. dne

Do konca 5. dne se boste začeli počutiti odlično in bolj energični. Spadate v vzorec prebujanja in spanja hkrati. Lačni boste tudi ob istem času kot včeraj. In ta nova rutina vam bo všeč. Opazili boste, da bolje spite in se zjutraj zbudite sveži. Držite se vse te pozitivnosti in drsite do 6. dne.

    6. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca dneva 6

Do konca 6. dne bo vaše telo začelo topiti maščobe. Videti boste vitkejši kot pred tednom dni, kar vas bo nadaljevalo. Nestrpno boste čakali na 7. dan.

    7. dan

(6:00 - 6:30)

Kaj jesti Zgodaj zjutraj

(10:00 - 10:30)

Kako se boste počutili do konca dneva 7

Drinking milk after having the brownie will keep your cravings at bay. A sense of accomplishment and a good shot of serotonin will encourage you to continue this diet for one more week. If you feel that way, great! Go for it. But, I would suggest continuing on to a 1500-calorie diet and following a good exercise plan to lose inches.

Who Needs To Go On The 2000-Calorie Diet Meal Plan?

You may need to follow the 2000-calorie diet if you want to lose weight and are:

  • in your teens, overweight, and not active.
  • in your mid-20s, average height, not active, and have a desk job.
  • in your 30s, sedentary, overweight, and not fit.
  • in your 50s, average height, slightly overweight.
  • in your 60s, average height, and light active.
  • of average height, active, in your weight range but need to tone up a little or maintain your body weight.

Note: Consult a doctor and a nutritionist before starting this diet and making these lifestyle changes.

Now you know whether you should follow the 2000-calorie diet meal plan or not. If you do fall into any of the categories mentioned above, here are a few things you should keep in mind before starting the 2000-calories-a-day meal plan.

What Should You Do Before Starting The Diet?

Here are certain things you must do:

  • Talk to a dietitian or doctor to find out if it is okay for you to be on a 2000-calorie diet.
  • Check your weight and get a body composition analysis (BCA) done to check body fat and lean mass percent.
  • Click pictures from the front, back, and both sides for comparison after a week.
  • Write down your goal to complete this one-week diet successfully.
  • Maintain a day-to-day checklist notepad. Check on the things that you were able to do.
  • Use a food tracker to know the number of calories you are consuming.
  • Use an exercise tracker to know how many calories you are burning.

Light Exercise Routine To Burn Calories

All you need to do is set aside 20 minutes every day and wear comfortable clothes and trainers to do this workout. You will start noticing a difference in your mood and productivity if you do these exercises.

  • Head tilt – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Neck rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Shoulder rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Arm circles – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Wrist rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Waist rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Ankle rotation – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Side lunge – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Standing touch toes – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Standing side crunch – 1 set of 10 reps
  • Spot jogging – 3 minutes
  • REST – 10 seconds
  • Jumping jacks – 2 sets of 25 reps
  • Lunges – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Rope jumping – 3 sets of 50 reps
  • REST – 10 seconds
  • Incline push-up – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Leg raises – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • REST – 10 seconds
  • Scissor legs – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Bicycle crunches – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Crunches – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • REST – 10 seconds
  • Russian twist – 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Plank – 30-45 seconds
  • Cool off – Stretch your arms, sides, legs, back, calves, and neck.

On the first two days, you may feel tired and fatigued, but on the rest of the days, you will start to feel great, be active, and enjoy working out. However, you have to be very careful about not getting swayed away from your diet. Here’s a list of foods that you can eat.

Foods To Eat

  • Veggies – Bottle gourd, eggplant, okra, broccoli, bell pepper, carrot, beetroot, radish, kale, spinach, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, banana flower, ridge gourd, squash, bitter gourd, pumpkin, sugar snap peas, zucchini, and mushroom.
  • Fruits – Apple, pear, banana, peach, plum, orange, lemon, pluot, kiwi, cucumber, tomato, tangerine, plum, pineapple, watermelon, melon, passion fruit, dragon fruits, papaya, berries, and grapefruit.
  • Protein – Chicken breast, white meat turkey, pork round, fish, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, tempeh, edamame, and tofu.
  • Dairy – Full-fat milk, full-fat yogurt, low-fat frozen yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, low or nonfat Greek yogurt, and buttermilk.
  • Fats And Oils – Olive oil, canola oil for cooking, rice bran oil, ghee, peanut butter, and sunflower butter.
  • Nuts And Seeds – Almond, pistachios, walnuts, macadamia, pecan nuts, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and flax seeds.
  • Herbs And Spices – Black pepper, white pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, ginger, garlic, dried red chili, cayenne pepper, star anise, mace, nutmeg, saffron, cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, cilantro, rosemary, dill, fennel, oregano, and basil.

Foods To Avoid

  • Fruits – Overripe mango and jackfruit.
  • Protein – Chicken with skin, sausage, salami, and red meat with fat.
  • Fats And Oils – Vegetable oil, animal fat, and dalda.
  • Nuts And Seeds – Cashew nuts in excess.

Now that you have a good idea about what you should be eating, how much and at what time to optimize your weight loss, here are some more things that you should keep in mind. Take a look at the Dos and Don’ts section.

Dos And Don’ts



A 2000-calorie diet plan, if followed properly, will not cause any nutritional deficiencies as it is well-balanced and accounts for all the essential nutrients and minerals. Start with this 2000-calorie meal plan and then move on to a customized diet and exercise plan after consulting your dietitian or doctor. Have a great day!

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Are 2000 calories a day enough?

Yes, 2000 calories are enough to lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to check with your physical activity. If you are doing high-intensity strength training, talk to your dietitian for the recommended calorie intake.

Can you lose weight by eating 2000 calories a day?

Eating 2000 calories and exercising is the best combo for losing weight. Eat as per your activity level and see the changes. Make sure to maintain a nutrient balance for better results.

Will I gain weight by consuming 2000 calories a day?

If you are underweight, yes, consuming 2000 calories will make you gain weight. However, the 2000-calorie diet plan mentioned here in the article is for weight loss. You need to tweak the diet and exclude the weight loss promoting foods from it and include strength training in your exercise routine.

How much protein do you need to take on the 2000-calorie diet?

You need to take 50-175 grams of protein on the 2000-calorie diet.

How many carbs in the 2000-calorie diet?

You should take 200-300 grams of carbs on the 2000-calorie diet.

What is the recommended range of daily fat consumption for an individual on the 2000-calorie diet?

You should get 45-70g (~20-30% of daily calories) of fat in the 2000-calorie diet.

2 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, USDA Dietary Guidelines, US Department of Agriculture.


  • Estimated calorie needs per day, by age, sex and physical activity level, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, USDA Dietary Guidelines, US Department of Agriculture.



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