Bonkers Nad Kupinami: Prednosti, Nasveti In Zanimivosti


Video: Bonkers Nad Kupinami: Prednosti, Nasveti In Zanimivosti

Video: Bonkers Nad Kupinami: Prednosti, Nasveti In Zanimivosti
Video: Nepremičninski nasveti; 5 top nasvetov - na kaj pazit pri nakupu nepremičnine 2024, April
Bonkers Nad Kupinami: Prednosti, Nasveti In Zanimivosti
Bonkers Nad Kupinami: Prednosti, Nasveti In Zanimivosti

Blackberry je doma na evropski celini in je pogost prizor v britanskih državah. Je starodavni član rastlinskega zdravilstva, njegove različice pa danes gojijo v Severni Ameriki in Indiji.

V študijah na miših je bilo ugotovljeno, da ekstrakti robide ščitijo kožo pred ultravijoličnimi poškodbami. Sadje lahko to doseže z bojem proti vnetjem (1).

Robida je bogata tudi s hranili, kot so mangan, vlaknine ter vitamina C in K. Vsebuje tudi čreslovine, antocianine in podobna fitohranila. Nekatere raziskave trdijo, da lahko pomaga pri hujšanju.

Dobrote robid lahko uživate tako, da neposredno zaužijete njene rastlinske liste. Priprava soka ali čaja iz jagod je še en način njihovega uživanja. V tem članku bomo obravnavali glavne prednosti robid in preproste načine njihovega uživanja.


  • Kakšne so zdravstvene koristi robid?
  • Prehranski profil robid
  • Katere so različne variante robid?
  • Kako nabrati in shraniti robide na pravi način
  • Hitri in preprosti načini postrežbe robid
  • Ali imajo robide kakršne koli neželene učinke ali povezana tveganja?

Kakšne so zdravstvene koristi robid?

1. Lahko izboljša zdravje kože z visokim vitaminom C

Fenolne spojine v kupinah lahko upočasnijo staranje in zaščitijo kožo pred UVB sevanjem.

Robide so bogate z vitaminom C. Skodelica tega sadja (144 gramov) vsebuje približno 30 miligramov hranila (2).

V študijah na miših bi izvlečki sadja lahko zaščitili kožo pred poškodbami, ki jih povzročajo UVB. Aktualna uporaba izvlečka bi lahko pri tem pomagala (1).

Robide so bogate tudi s fenolnimi kislinami. Študije kažejo, da imajo fenolne spojine potencial za zdravljenje različnih težav s kožo, vključno z znaki staranja in poškodb (3). Robide lahko dajo kožo mlajšega videza, čeprav je za to potrebno več raziskav.

Rastlinski fenoli na splošno lahko preprečijo ali obrnejo znake staranja. Ti lahko vključujejo gube in hiperpigmentacijske oznake (3).

Ti fenoli lahko blagodejno vplivajo tudi na celjenje ran in opeklin (3).

2. Lahko vam dopolni prizadevanja za hujšanje

Antocijani v robidah lahko zavirajo kopičenje maščob in pomagajo pri hujšanju.

Robide ali katere koli temno obarvane jagode so sinonim za antocianine. Te molekule temnega pigmenta lahko zavirajo kopičenje maščob in lahko povzročijo izgubo teže.

Antocianini, kot so cianidin-3-glukozid (C3G), flavan-3-oli in hidroksicinamične kisline, povzročajo spremembe ravni izražanja adipocitokinov v vašem maščobnem tkivu. Rezultat tega je zatiranje kopičenja maščob in zmanjšanje sinteze lipidov (LDL) v jetrih in belem maščobnem tkivu (4).

Obstajajo pa omejene raziskave o učinkih robidov proti debelosti. Nadaljnje študije nam lahko pomagajo razumeti aktivnost antocianinov na zniževanje lipidov (4).

3. Lahko okrepi zdravje možganov

Robidov antioksidanti lahko pomagajo preprečiti izgubo spomina, povezano s starostjo.

Divje robide so bogate z vitamini C, A, K ter folati in kalijem. Vsebujejo tudi veliko polifenolov in taninov. Ta hranila in fitokemikalije ščitijo vaše nevrone (možganske celice) pred oksidativnimi poškodbami (5).

Te jagode so izboljšale kognicijo, vedenje in koordinacijo motoričnih nevronov pri starih podganah (5). Dvoodstotna dieta, bogata s kupino, bi lahko tudi obrnila starostno pomanjkanje spomina pri starih podganah (6).

Aktivne sestavine robid so protivnetne in antioksidativne. Zato lahko pomagajo pri preverjanju starostne izgube spomina in drugih sprememb (7).

4. Lahko pomaga preprečiti poškodbe raka in DNA

Robide so znane po svojem antioksidativnem profilu. Prosti radikali, vključno s peroksidnimi in superoksidnimi ioni, se pretvorijo v manj rakotvorne vmesne izdelke z jagodičevimi sokovi iz robid, brusnic, malin itd. (8).

Robide vsebujejo tudi encime za odstranjevanje prostih radikalov. V jagodah in robidah so bile ugotovljene poštene količine esencialnih antioksidativnih encimov, kot so katalaza, glutation reduktaza in askorbat peroksidaza. To bi lahko pomenilo zaščito pred poškodbami DNA, ki jih povzročajo rakotvorne snovi (8).

Antioksidanti v kupinah pomagajo zmanjšati tveganje za rak dojk, materničnega vratu in požiralnika (9). Vendar ni dovolj dokazov o njihovem vplivu na rak prostate (8).

5. Lahko pomaga pri boju proti vnetjem

Antocijani v kupinah lahko pomagajo v boju proti vnetjem v telesu.

Obsežne raziskave dokazujejo protivnetno sposobnost robid. Polifenoli, zlasti antocianini, preprečujejo različne vrste protivnetnih spojin v telesu (10).

Na primer, dušikov oksid spodbuja vnetje in sproži endotelijsko disfunkcijo v telesu. Zanimivo je, da je bilo ugotovljeno, da antocianini robid zavirajo nastajanje dušikovega oksida. Na ta način lahko zmanjšajo vnetje v telesu in njegovih celicah (10).

Vendar pa potrebujemo več študij, da bi razumeli učinke celih kupin v primerjavi s prečiščenimi antocianini robid in potencialno sinergijsko delovanje antocianinov z drugimi hranili v jagodah (10).

6. Lahko izboljša zdravje srca

Antocianini v kupinah lahko zmanjšajo tveganje za koronarno srčno bolezen (11).

Kopičenje LDL (slabega holesterola) je eden največjih dejavnikov tveganja za bolezni srca in ožilja (KVB). Molekule LDL sodelujejo s prostimi radikali in tvorijo aterosklerotične obloge v krvnih žilah (10).

Študije prav tako kažejo, da antocianini robid zavirajo agregacijo krvnih ploščic in krepijo krvne kapilare. Ti ukrepi lahko celice zaščitijo pred oksidativnimi poškodbami in zmanjšajo tveganje za bolezni srca (12).

7. Lahko izboljša zdravje kosti

Izguba kosti po menopavzi postaja vse bolj razširjena pri današnjih ženskah. Tu je glavni vzrok oksidativni stres.

Uživanje hrane, bogate z antocianini, lahko do neke mere upočasni izgubo kostnih mineralov. Cianidin-3-glukozid v robidnicah je en tak antocianin, ki se lahko učinkovito bori z oksidativnim stresom. Študija na podganah je poročala, da je 5-odstotna dieta kupine, bogate s cianidin-3-glukozidom, izboljšala mineralno gostoto kosti golenice, vretenc in stegnenice (13).

As per another mice study, blackberries also inhibit the release of IL-12 (a pro-inflammatory compound), and this may have a positive effect on bone health (14).

8. May Promote Dental Health

In studies, blackberry extract was found to fight certain groups of microbes that cause periodontitis and dental caries (F. nucleatum, P. gingivalis, and S. mutans). The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the fruit could be the reason here (15).

The exact mechanism behind this action is yet to be understood.

A decoction of the leaves of the blackberry plant could help treat oral thrush (when gargled). The formulation also makes for a good general mouthwash (9).

We have seen that blackberries contain antioxidants and other nutrients. In the following section, let’s explore the nutritional profile of this fruit.

Nutritional Profile Of Blackberries

Energy Energy Protein Total lipid (fat) Ash Carbohydrate, by difference Fiber, total dietary Sugars, total Minerals
Iron, Fe Magnesium, Mg Phosphorus, P Potassium, K Sodium, Na Zinc, Zn Copper, Cu Manganese, Mn Selenium, Se Vitamins
Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic acid Vitamin B-6 Folate, total Folate, food Folate, DFE Choline, total Betaine Vitamin A, RAE Carotene, beta Vitamin A, IU Lutein + zeaxanthin Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) Tocopherol, beta Tocopherol, gamma Tocopherol, delta Vitamin K (phylloquinone) Anthocyanidins
Pelargonidin Peonidin Flavan-3-ols
(-)-Epigallocatechin (-)-Epicatechin (-)-Epigallocatechin 3-gallate Flavonols
Myricetin Quercetin Proanthocyanidin
Proanthocyanidin trimers Proanthocyanidin 4-6mers Proanthocyanidin 7-10mers Proanthocyanidin polymers (>10mers)

Blackberries, raw

Blackberries are storehouses of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, K, and folate, potassium, minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, sugars, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (9).

Blackberries have an exotic phytochemical profile and are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These include alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, terpenoids, sterols, saponins, organic acids, tannins, and volatile oils (9).

Flavonols like kaempferol-glucoside, quercetin-glucoside, rutin, myricetin-glucoside, and anthocyanins, including cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside, pelargonidin-3-glucoside, and peonidin-3-glucoside, are present in blackberries (16).

Phenolic acids like ellagic acid, ellagitannins (sanguiin and lambertianin C), gallic acid, and coumaric acid also contribute to the antioxidant potential of blackberries (16).

Now you know why/how blackberries have a whopping ORAC (antioxidant potential per 100 g) score of 2036 units!

Blackberries are available in different variants. Though they all have a similar nutritional profile and offer similar benefits, it is important to know briefly about each. We have that covered in the following section.

What Are The Different Variants Of Blackberries?

Some blackberry shrubs trail along the surface, while some grow erect. Trailing blackberries have canes that are not self-supporting, so they grow as creepers using a trellis system. Erect blackberries have stiff, arching canes that are somewhat self-supporting, so they might grow as climbers.

Initially, the plant grows rapidly as a primocane – only with leaves across its length. In the second year, the plant produces flowers as a floricane. Under favorable conditions, the floricane develops green fruit pods. These mature from green to red, and finally to rich black (9).

In blackberries, you have the semi-erect, erect, primocane-fruiting, and trailing varieties. These are a few members of each variety:

  • Semi-erect: Triple Crown, Chester, and Hull
  • Erect: Illini-Hardy, Arapaho, Apache, and Ouachita
  • Primocane-fruiting: Prime Jan, Prime Jim, Prime-Ark 45, and Prime-Ark Freedom
  • Trailing: Marionberry, Boysenberry, Loganberry, Youngberry, and Thornless Evergreen

The variants are specific to climatic conditions. Their number and diversity keep increasing.

Though the variants appear complex, the fruit is a simple delicacy. Fresh and properly stored blackberries taste delicious. Here are a few tips for buying and storing blackberries the right way. You can come up with your own maintenance routine, though. Take a look!

How To Pick And Store Blackberries The Right Way

  • When out for shopping, look for plump, firm, deeply colored berries.
  • If the berries look yellow-orange, they might have a fungal infestation. Avoid bruised, pitted, discolored, and oozing berries.
  • Wash them thoroughly under clean water, dry with a paper towel, and eat them right away. Or, you could cover them (without washing) and store them in the refrigerator.
  • Freshly picked berries should stay for about seven days in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can also freeze them.
  • To freeze, layer a tray or a suitable wide container with a cookie sheet or butter paper. Arrange the berries at a good distance from each other on the cookie sheet tray and place it in the deep freezer.
  • Once they are frozen, put the berries in a freezer bag and store. This ensures the blackberries don’t stick to one another.

If you are clueless about what to do with the blackberries in your kitchen or freezer, you can try these options.

Quick And Simple Ways To Serve Blackberries

  • Pack a few blackberries along with some nuts for a filling and quick snack.
  • Blend a handful of blackberries with milk and fruits of your choice for a yummy smoothie.
  • Add a few frozen or fresh berries to your bowl of whole-grain cereal to make it interesting and tasty.
  • Give your salad a tangy twist by tossing a few blackberries in it.
  • Take your frozen yogurt or ice creams to a whole new level – eat them with crispy frozen blackberries.

Before you go blackberry shopping, it is important to know if they may cause any adverse effects.

Do Blackberries Have Any Side Effects Or Associated Risks?

Hardly a few adverse effects have supporting evidence.

Berry polyphenols, in general, may interfere with certain digestive enzymes and inhibit their activity. These include flavonols, anthocyanins, and ellagitannins (17).

This interference can have mild to severe undesirable effects on your body (17).

Since these effects have not been studied and characterized well, it is difficult to state preventive measures or how many of these berries you can ideally eat in a day.

In A Nutshell…

Blackberries are a therapeutic treat and a beautiful addition to your kitchen garden. In addition to taste, these berries deliver potent antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential dietary fiber to your body.

Try including blackberries in your meals and snacks, and watch your immunity and memory improve.

17 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Blackberry extract inhibits UVB-induced oxidative damage and inflammation through MAP kinases and NF-κB signaling pathways in SKH-1 mice skin, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Blackberries, raw, U. S. Department of Agriculture, FoodData Central.

  • The Potential of Plant Phenolics in Prevention and Therapy of Skin Disorders, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Recent Progress in Anti-Obesity and Anti-Diabetes Effect of Berries, Antioxidants, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Neuroprotective effects of berry fruits on neurodegenerative diseases, Neural Regeneration Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Effects of blackberries on motor and cognitive function in aged rats, Nutritional Neuroscience, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Medicinal Effect of Nutraceutical Fruits for the Cognition and Brain Health, Scienctifica, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Protective Role of Dietary Berries in Cancer, Antioxidants, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Rubus fruticosus (blackberry) use as an herbal medicine, Pharmacognosy Review, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Berries: emerging impact on cardiovascular health, Nutrition Reviews, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • The Blackberry Fruit: A Review on Its Composition and Chemistry, Metabolism and Bioavailability, and Health Benefits, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Academia.

  • Methyl jasmonate enhances antioxidant activity and flavonoid content in blackberries (Rubus sp.) and promotes antiproliferation of human cancer cells, Food Chemistry, ScienceDirect.
  • Cyanidin 3-O-β-D-Glucoside Improves Bone Indices, Journal of Medicinal Food, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Dietary Polyphenols, Berries, and Age-Related Bone Loss: A Review Based on Human, Animal, and Cell Studies, Antioxidants, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Antibacterial Effects of Blackberry Extract Target Periodontopathogens, Journal of Periodontal Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Different Types of Berries, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

  • The inhibitory effects of berry polyphenols on digestive enzymes, Biofactors, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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Kaj Je Avtizem? Vzroki, Simptomi In Prehrana + Naravna Zdravila

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Kako Se Naravno Znebiti Maščobe Na Vratu: 10 Prehranskih Nasvetov In 6 Vaj

Vaš vrat ponavadi postane težji, ko se starate ali začnete težiti. Tako lahko vaš obraz dobi nesorazmeren videz. Da bi vas rešili te težave in vam pomagali znebiti maščobe na vratu, je tukaj nekaj nasvetov o prehrani in vaj, ki vam lahko pomagajo. Za več i