15 Najboljših Vaj Za Ramena Za ženske


Video: 15 Najboljših Vaj Za Ramena Za ženske

Video: 15 Najboljših Vaj Za Ramena Za ženske
Video: Brutalen trening za široka ramena in čvrste roke, ki jih ljubijo dekleta 2024, April
15 Najboljših Vaj Za Ramena Za ženske
15 Najboljših Vaj Za Ramena Za ženske

Zaradi napetih ramen so ženske videti privlačne. Odprta in sproščena ramena ustvarjajo iluzijo manjšega pasu in izgledajo samozavestno. Poleg tega vaje za ramena pomagajo popraviti držo telesa, okrepijo ramena in zmanjšajo tveganje za bolečine v ramenih. Zato je pomembno, da ženske izvajajo vaje za ramena ne glede na svojo starost, kondicijo ali poklic. Ta članek našteva 15 najboljših vaj za ramena za ženske. Zgrabite svoje uteži in začnite!

15 vaj za rame za krepitev in toniziranje

Preden skočite neposredno na vaje za ramena, morate 10 minut nameniti ogrevanju mišic.

  • 1. Stranski dvigi
  • 2. Dviganje spredaj dvigala
  • 3. Povratno letenje
  • 4. Pleča z rameni
  • 5. Stoječa ramenska stiskalnica
  • 6. Stranski dvigi upognjene roke
  • 7. Stranska deska
  • 8. Pec Deck Butterfly
  • 9. Komolčna deska
  • 10. Razširitve tricepa nad glavo
  • 11. Plank Ups
  • 12. Sedeči dvignjeni zadnji del delta
  • 13. Sklece
  • 14. Pokončne vrstice z utežmi
  • 15. Skleki iz ščuke

1. Stranski dvigi

Stranski dvigi
Stranski dvigi

Cilj - srednji ali stranski (stranski) deltoidi, lati in velika prsna kost (prsna mišica).

Kako narediti bočna dviga

  1. V obeh rokah držite po bučko, stojte naravnost, z nogami v širini ramen in ramenih nazaj. Rahlo upognite komolec.
  2. Dvignite roke, dokler ne dosežejo ravni ramen. Zastanite in spustite roke. Naredite 3 serije po 12 ponovitev.

2. Dviganje spredaj dvigala

Dvig spredaj dvigne
Dvig spredaj dvigne

Cilj - Sprednji (sprednji) deltoidi, stranski (stranski) deltoidi, lats teres major in minor, serratus anterior (stran prsnega koša) in pectoralis major (prsna mišica).

Kako narediti dviganje spredaj

1. Primite dve bučki, stojte naravnost, noge naj bodo v širini bokov, dlani na sprednjem delu stegen, obrnjene navznoter.

2. Dvignite roke. Zaustavite se na ravni ramen in jih počasi spustite. Naredite 2 niza po 12 ponovitev.

Različica - Dvignite eno roko naenkrat. To je znano tudi kot dvig prednje ročice z eno roko.

3. Povratno letenje

Povratno letenje
Povratno letenje


Cilj - zadnji (zadnji) deltoidi, lati, romboidi, sprednji serratus (stran prsnega koša), velika prsna mišica (prsna mišica), biceps, triceps in pasti.

Kako narediti vzvratno letenje

  1. V vsako roko zgrabite po bučko. Noge naj bodo blizu drug drugemu, upognite se naprej pri 45 stopinjah, rahlo pokrčena kolena in roke visijo navzdol.
  2. Dvignite roke na bok, se ustavite in jih spustite. Naredite 3 serije po 8 ponovitev.

4. Pleča z rameni

Vaje za ramena za ženske - ramena
Vaje za ramena za ženske - ramena

Cilj - stranski (stranski) deltoidi, zadnji (zadnji) deltoidi, lats, levator scapulae (ob strani vratu) in velika prsna kost (prsna mišica).

Kako narediti ramenska ramena

  1. V vsako roko zgrabite po bučko. Roke naj bodo ob strani, dlani obrnjene navznoter. Stojte naravnost. Jedro naj bo tesno, ramena pa zavita nazaj.
  2. Dvignite ramena do ušes, ustavite se in spustite ramena. Naredite 3 serije po 12 ponovitev.

5. Stoječa ramenska stiskalnica

Vaje na ramenih za ženske - stoječa ramenska stiskalnica
Vaje na ramenih za ženske - stoječa ramenska stiskalnica

Cilj - Sprednji (sprednji) deltoidi, stranski (stranski) deltoidi, zadnji (zadnji) deltoidi, bicepsi, tricepsi, lati, serratus spredaj (ob strani prsnega koša) in velika prsna mišica (prsna mišica).

Kako narediti stoječe ramensko stiskalnico

  1. V vsaki roki držite po bučko. Stojte tako, da imate noge v širini bokov in ramena nagnjena nazaj.
  2. Dvignite roke tako, da so nadlakti vzporedni s tlemi. Podlakti naj bodo na 90 stopinjah z nadlakti, dlani pa naprej.
  3. Potisnite dumbbelove nad glavo tako, da iztegnete roke.
  4. Premor in roke vrnite v začetni položaj. Naredite 2 niza po 15 ponovitev.

6. Stranski dvigi upognjene roke

Stranski dvig upognjene roke
Stranski dvig upognjene roke


Cilj - Medialni ali stranski (stranski) deltoidi, sprednji (sprednji) deltoidi, lats, pectoralis major (prsna mišica) in serratus anterior (stran prsnega koša).

Kako narediti stranski dvig upognjene roke

  1. Držite dve buči. Stojte naravnost in noge držite narazen v širini ramen, roke ob strani, dlani obrnjene navznoter in ramena obrnjena nazaj.
  2. Upognite komolce tako, da so podlakti z nadlakti pod 90 stopinjami, dlani pa obrnjene druga proti drugi. Kolena rahlo upognite, da podpirajo hrbet.
  3. Exhale and keeping your elbows locked, lift your arms until they are at the shoulder level. Pause, inhale and bring your arms back to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 15 reps.

7. Side Plank

Vaje na ramenih za ženske - stranska deska
Vaje na ramenih za ženske - stranska deska

Target – Lateral (side) deltoids, anterior (front) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, triceps, biceps, abs, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

How To Do Side Plank

  1. Lie down on your right side. Your right forearm should be at 90 degrees with the upper arm. Keep your palm flat on the floor, the right elbow exactly below the right shoulder. Place your left hand on your waist.
  2. Lift your hips off the floor. Make sure your neck is in line with your spine. Do not drop it down.
  3. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds.
  4. Do it on the other side as well. Do 3 sets of 30-60 seconds hold.

8. Pec Deck Butterfly

Pec Deck Butterfly
Pec Deck Butterfly


Target – Anterior (front) deltoids, pectoralis major (chest muscle), triceps, and lats.

How To Do Pec Deck Butterfly

  1. Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Lift the dumbbells by bending your elbows such that your upper arms are parallel to the ground, and your forearms are upright and at 90 degrees with the upper arms.
  3. Engage your abs and bring your elbows close in front of your face.
  4. Push them back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

9. Elbow Plank

Komolčna deska
Komolčna deska

Target – Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, triceps, abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

How To Do Elbow Plank

  1. Get on all fours. Bend your elbows and rest them on the floor. Extend your legs behind.
  2. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. Do 3 sets of 30-60 seconds hold.

10. Overhead Tricep Extensions

Razširitve tricepa nad glavo
Razširitve tricepa nad glavo

Target – Posterior (back) deltoids, triceps, lats, serratus anterior (side of your chest), and pectoralis major (chest muscle).

How To Do Overhead Tricep Extensions

  1. Grab a dumbbell with both hands. Rest your palm on the inner side of the top dumbbell head, and sit on a bench or a chair.
  2. Raise your arms and bring the dumbbell right over your head. This is the starting position.
  3. Flex your elbows, and keeping your upper arms stationary, lower your forearms so that the dumbbell is directly behind your neck.
  4. Lift your forearms and get back to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

11. Plank Ups

Target – Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, triceps, biceps, abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

How To Do Plank Ups

  1. Get into a plank position. Keep your core engaged, neck in line with your spine, and look down.
  2. Flex your right elbow and place your right forearm flat on the floor.
  3. Flex your left elbow and place your left forearm flat on the floor. You are now in an elbow plank position.
  4. Without pausing, place your right palm flat on the floor and extend your right arm. Place your left palm flat on the floor and extend your left arm. Now, you will be in a push-up position. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

12. Seated Bent-over Rear Delt Raise

Dvig sedeža nagnjen zadaj
Dvig sedeža nagnjen zadaj


Target – Lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, biceps, triceps, lats, serratus anterior (side of your chest), and pectoralis major (chest muscle).

How To Do Seated Bent-over Rear Delt Raise

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and sit on a flat bench. Keep your legs together and bend your upper body forward. Let your chest be near your knees.
  2. Place your hand by your calves. Keep your neck in line with your spine.
  3. Exhale and lift the dumbbells straight to your sides until both the arms are parallel to the floor. Make sure your elbows are slightly bent.
  4. Pause, inhale, and slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

Note: This exercise can be performed in the standing position, but if you have lower back pain, it is better to do it in the sitting position with precautions.

13. Push-ups

Vaje na ramenih za ženske - sklece
Vaje na ramenih za ženske - sklece

Target – Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, biceps, triceps, lats, serratus anterior (side of your chest), and pectoralis major (chest muscle).

How To Do Push-ups

  1. Get down in a plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, abs tight, and body in a straight line.
  2. Bend your elbows to the sides and lower your body towards the floor. Make sure your body remains in a straight line.
  3. Press up back to the starting position. Don’t forget to breathe. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

14. Dumbbell Upright Rows

Dumbbell pokončne vrstice
Dumbbell pokončne vrstice


Target – Lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, biceps, triceps, lats, rhomboids, serratus anterior (side of your chest), and pectoralis major (chest muscle).

How To Do Dumbbell Upright Rows

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Stand straight with the legs hip-width apart, shoulders rolled back, and palms facing your thighs.
  2. Draw the dumbbells up to your chest level by flexing your elbows. Keep your elbows away from your body, upper arms at shoulder height, palms facing inward, and wrists lower than your elbows.
  3. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

15. Pike Push-ups

Puke sklece
Puke sklece


Target – Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids, triceps, serratus anterior (side of your chest), and pectoralis major (chest muscle).

How To Do Pike Push-ups

  1. Get into the plank position and push your hips up towards the sky such that you are in the Downward Dog pose.
  2. Bend your elbows, and try to touch your head to the floor and press up. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

These are the 15 best shoulder exercises for women. You must cool down and relax after you complete your workout session. Here’s what you should do.

Cool Down

Cooling down is as important as warming up your muscles. It will help you relax and prevent any delayed post-workout injury. Check out this video and follow the instructions to cool down.


Shoulder exercises are not only for men, and neither will they make you muscular. Doing a few shoulder exercises regularly will improve your upper body strength and add an X-factor to your personality. Talk to your trainer and start exercising your shoulders today. Good luck!

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What are some shoulder exercises for women?

Some of the best shoulder exercises for women are:

  • Lateral raises
  • Dumbbell front raises
  • Reverse fly
  • Shoulder shrugs
  • Standing shoulder press
  • Bent arm lateral raises
  • Side plank
  • Pec deck butterfly
  • Elbow plank
  • Overhead tricep extensions
  • Plank ups
  • Seated bent-over rear delt raise
  • Push-ups
  • Dumbbell upright rows
  • Pike push-ups

How can I reduce shoulder fat?

You must do cardio 3 times a week and eat healthy foods to help burn fat. After 3-4 weeks, you will start to see results. You can then start strength training or lifting weights to tone your shoulders. Lift weights under the supervision of a professional trainer.

How can I increase shoulder size at home?

You can increase shoulder size at home by adding dumbbells, barbells, and resistance bands to your shoulder workout routine. Along with exercise, you must also consume protein powders.

How to strengthen the rotator cuff?

Stretching and strengthening the muscles that support the rotator cuff is important. But you must do exercises and stretches under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Do the following exercises to reduce rotator cuff pain:

  • Pendulum
  • Doorway stretch
  • Crossover arm stretch
  • Shoulder external rotation
  • Shoulder internal rotation
  • Resisted shoulder extension
  • Shoulder abduction using resistance band
  • Reverse fly
  • Side-lying external rotation
  • Sleeper stretch
  • Standing row
  • Elbow flexion
  • Elbow extension
  • Scapula setting
  • Scapular retraction/protraction
  • Bent over horizontal abduction

Do push-ups work?

Yes, push-ups work your shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, and core. Doing push-ups regularly will help you build toned and strong shoulders.

When should I see a doctor for shoulder pain?

Če imate oteklino, bolečino, pordelost in vročino kože na koži in če to vpliva na gibljivost, morate k zdravniku. Če sprej za zmanjšanje bolečine ne deluje, je bolje narediti rentgensko slikanje in se posvetovati z licenciranim ortopedom.


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