12 Prednosti, Zaradi Katerih Boste Izbrali Brusnični Sok Za Razstrupljanje


Video: 12 Prednosti, Zaradi Katerih Boste Izbrali Brusnični Sok Za Razstrupljanje

Video: 12 Prednosti, Zaradi Katerih Boste Izbrali Brusnični Sok Za Razstrupljanje
Video: Razstrupljanje telesa (detox) - nuja ali čisti nateg? 2024, April
12 Prednosti, Zaradi Katerih Boste Izbrali Brusnični Sok Za Razstrupljanje
12 Prednosti, Zaradi Katerih Boste Izbrali Brusnični Sok Za Razstrupljanje

Brusnice so blagor naravnost iz nebes! Naj bo njihov videz, okus ali prednosti, brusnice so najboljše od vseh jagod. Te temno rdeče lepote so zaradi svojih koristi za zdravje pogost prizor v mnogih kuhinjah.

S temi okusnimi jagodami lahko pripravite marmelade, namaze, namake in še kaj. Toda en brusnični izdelek, ki ima enako terapevtsko vrednost kot sadje, je brusnični sok. Čisti brusnični sok je odličen za vaše srce, ledvice, jetra, nožnico, sečila, imunski sistem in prebavila.

Bi radi vedeli več? Poglejmo, kako brusnični sok deluje kot osvežujoča poletna pijača. Začnite se pomikati!


  • Kaj je tako dobrega pri brusničnem soku?
  • Kakšne so zdravstvene koristi brusničnega soka?
  • Hranilna vrednost brusničnega soka
  • Kako pripraviti brusnični sok doma
  • Ali brusnični sok povzroča neželene učinke?
  • Kakšna je priporočena doza brusničnega soka?

Kaj je tako dobrega pri brusničnem soku?

Brusnični sok je narejen iz svežih brusničnih pridelkov in je življenjski napoj. Obstaja več kot le svetla, temno rdeča barva in tanka trpkost.

Nesladkan brusnični sok je nizkokalorična razstrupljevalna pijača. V njenem soku lahko najdemo tudi polifenole, vitamine in druge aktivne sestavine, ki jih najdemo v brusnicah.

Znanstvene študije dokazujejo njegovo terapevtsko enakovrednost s sadjem brusnice. Brusnični sok je bogat vir polifenolnih spojin, zlasti antocianinov (1).

Če popijete dva kozarca brusničnega soka na dan, vas lahko zaščitite tudi pred boleznimi srca in ožilja. Prav tako zadržuje diabetes, težave z ledvicami in zobne obloge (2).

Ta sok lahko pomaga pri preprečevanju glivičnih, kvasnih in bakterijskih patogenov. Učinkovito lahko nadzoruje kronične okužbe sečil in ohranja vaše zdrave intimne predele (2).

V naslednjih poglavjih bomo razpravljali o koristih pitja brusničnega soka skupaj z znanstvenimi dokazi, ki jih podpirajo. Nadaljujte z branjem!

Kakšne so zdravstvene koristi brusničnega soka?

1. Nadzira okužbe sečil

Nadzira okužbe sečil
Nadzira okužbe sečil

Brusnica vsebuje flavonoide, terpenoide, antocianine, katehin in organske kisline, kot so citronska, jabolčna, kvinska, benzojska in glukuronska kislina. Benzojska kislina se iz telesa izloči kot hipurna kislina. Ta hipurna kislina zavira rast bakterij (3). Vzdržuje kisel pH urina, zaradi česar bakterije težko preživijo.

Opravljenih je bilo več nadzorovanih preskušanj z ženskami kot osebami, v katerih so jih 12 mesecev dajali na brusnični sok. Poročali so, da je brusnični sok pri teh ženskah zmanjšal ponovitev UTI (3).

V drugi študiji je 225 otrok 6 mesecev dobivalo brusnični sok in placebo. Otroci, ki so prejemali brusnični sok, so potrebovali manj dni antibiotične terapije. Toda zaradi kislosti brusničnega soka je otrokom manj všeč (3).

2. Krepi zdravje srca

Aktivne sestavine brusničnega soka imajo vaorelaksacijske lastnosti. Preprosteje povedano, pitje brusničnega soka lahko sprosti otrde krvne žile v telesu. Tako znižuje krvni tlak ali hipertenzijo. Ta lastnost brusničnega soka je bila dokazana v študijah na podganah in prašičih (4), (5).

Študija je bila izvedena na 30 ženskah in 26 moških, ki so prejeli 8 oz. brusničnega soka z nizko vsebnostjo sladkorja, sladkanega s sukralozo, ali enakega placeba. Po 8 tednih so prostovoljci, ki so prejeli brusnični sok, imeli nižjo raven 5 od 22 kazalcev kardiometaboličnega tveganja v krvi (6).

To pomeni, da so imeli nižje kombinirano tveganje za bolezni srca in ožilja (KVB), diabetes in možgansko kap (6).

Če iščete obrok, ki bo zdrav za srce, dodajte kozarec brusničnega soka v svojo dnevno prehrano.

3. Izboljša zdravje in higieno zob

Brusnični sok ustvari zaščitno plast na zobeh. Film brusničnega soka otežuje bakterije, ki povzročajo, da se votline oprimejo zob (7).

Glukan je gradnik plošče. Peroralne bakterije uporabljajo glukan za gradnjo zobnih oblog. Na koncu plošča prekrije vaše zobe in sproži propadanje. Kljub temu brusnični sok moti tvorbo glukana (7).

Brusnični sok preprečuje, da bi bakterije tvorile obloge z zaviranjem teh encimov. Ko ga dodajate zobnim izdelkom, lahko prepreči tudi, da bi se dodatne bakterije sprijele na površino zob (7).

4. Preprečuje poapnenje in okužbo ledvic

Brusnični sok je tradicionalno zdravilo, ki se že desetletja uporablja za zdravljenje UTI in bolezni ledvic. Zdravilne učinkovine brusnice lahko zavirajo oprijem patogenov (8).

Študija iz leta 2003, izvedena na zdravih moških, je poročala o pozitivnem učinku tega soka. Pitje približno 500 ml brusničnega soka na dan je zmanjšalo izločanje oksalata pri teh samcih. Oksalatni ioni sodelujejo s kalcijem in tvorijo ledvične kamne kalcijevega oksalata (8).

Ta študija je tudi pokazala, da se je izločanje fosfatnih ionov zmanjšalo, medtem ko se je citrat povečal. Oksalat, citrat in fosfat skupaj nadzirajo kalcifikacijo ledvic. S pitjem tega soka lahko torej preprečimo kronično ledvično bolezen (LBK), poapnenje ledvic, nefritis in druge ledvične bolezni (8).

5. Blaži jetrne bolezni

Nedavne študije miši so poročale, da lahko ekstrakt brusnice zmanjša kopičenje lipidov v jetrih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da preprečuje kopičenje oksidativnega stresa pri miših z visoko vsebnostjo maščob (9).

Dnevni odmerek izvlečka brusnice lahko izboljša holesterol v krvi in lipidni profil pri ljudeh. Posledično so ravni HDL oseb, ki se hranijo s tem ekstraktom, višje. Poveča se tudi izražanje protivnetnih genov in snovi (9).

Prehransko dopolnjevanje izvlečkov brusnice lahko ublaži jetrne bolezni. Sem spadajo brezalkoholna maščobna bolezen jeter (NAFLD), steatohepatitis in ciroza. Takšna živila zagotavljajo, da ti pogoji ne napredujejo do hepatokarcinoma in drugih vrst raka (9).

6. Ima močne protivnetne lastnosti

Raziskave so pokazale, da vnos nizkokaloričnega brusničnega soka zmanjša biomarkerje vnetja. Vsakodnevno uživanje tega soka ali koktajla zniža raven C-reaktivnega proteina (CRP) v telesu. Koncentracija CRP v krvi se običajno poveča, kadar pride do vnetja (10).

Several in-house anti-inflammatory enzymes (like glutathione peroxidase, phospho¬-c-Jun-N-¬terminal kinase) levels are boosted, thanks to the polyphenols found in cranberry juice (10).

Drinking cranberry juice can, therefore, reduce the severity of chronic and acute inflammatory disorders. These include atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease, colitis, periodontitis, UTIs, and diabetes. (10), (11).

7. Combats Vaginal Infections

Boji se proti vaginalnim okužbam
Boji se proti vaginalnim okužbam

Women are more prone to UTIs because their urethra is close to the vagina and anus. Also, it is shorter in length than in men. Escherichia coli causes most UTIs. These bacteria can easily travel from the anus to the urethra while urinating or during intercourse (12).

Therefore, it is imperative for women to monitor their vaginal health. Dietary changes can naturally boost immunity against several vaginal pathogens, and the various forms of cranberry are known to prevent UTIs.

Cranberry polyphenols, particularly proanthocyanidins, are said to demonstrate this property. These proanthocyanidins decrease the adherence of E. coli and Candida fungus to uroepithelial and vaginal epithelial cells, thus preventing the aggravation of vaginal infections (13).

Hold That Thought

Researchers do not have enough evidence to prove that cranberries are effective against UTIs.

A 2012 research review of 24 clinical trials concluded that cranberry juice and supplements don’t prevent UTIs. But, many of those studies were of poor quality.

The bottom line is that cranberry juice can only weaken the attachment of bacteria to the walls of your urethra, but not treat the infection thoroughly.

Therefore, it cannot be used as an independent treatment for chronic UTIs. This juice can only delay/manage the aggravation of such attacks.

8. Reduces Risk And Severity Of Diabetes

The fruit and vegetable intake of people with type 2 diabetes is typically low. This is probably because of its perceived adverse effect on glycemic control. Low-calorie cranberry juice can be a healthy way of increasing fruit intake in such cases (14).

In a study conducted on 58 males with type 2 diabetes, half of them were given a cup of cranberry juice per day, while the rest were served placebo. After 12 weeks, there was a significant decrease in serum glucose in the experiment group (15).

Elevated levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) are commonly seen in people with diabetes. The oxidation of LDL worsens diabetes. Thus, ultimately, cranberry juice can bring down the severity of diabetes. While at it, this drink can also reduce the risk of metabolic disorders (like obesity and CVDs) (15)

9. Prevent Bacterial Adherence To Urinary Tract

How do you think UTIs occur? It is an interesting model of bacteria-human cell interaction.

E. coli (bacteria) is the primary cause of most UTIs. Certain infectious strains of E. coli are covered with small hair-like projections known as fimbriae. Fimbriae act like hooks and latch onto cells that line the urinary tract, thus triggering the infection (16).

The best way to prevent such UTIs is to disturb the human-bacterial cell attachment. And that’s exactly what cranberry juice does! When exposed to cranberry juice, the fimbriae on E. coli cells curl up. Thus, the ability of the bacteria to cling to your urinary tract and infect it is reduced multifold (16).

That’s why unsweetened cranberry juice is one of the best remedies for UTIs and vaginal infections.

10. Is An Excellent Detox Drink

Cranberries contain abundant amounts of antioxidants, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. Cranberry juice phenolics are also known to boost antioxidant capacity. Hence, it can effectively reduce oxidative stress (17).

Cranberry juice is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins C, A, and K. Therefore, this summer drink is sure to replenish your body’s electrolytes (18).

Pure cranberry juice is also said to aid weight loss. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support this fact.

11. Improves Gut Health And Metabolism

Cranberry extracts can protect your gut health and digestion. This berry has potent antimicrobial activity that blocks pathogenic infections in your gut (19).

Cranberry juice may also inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli (19).

Cranberry proanthocyanidins, flavonols, and hydroxycinnamic acids may prevent such bacterial adhesion and cause lesser biofilm formation, thus controlling inflammation in your gut (19).

These active ingredients also exert a prebiotic effect on your stomach lumen and boost the growth of gut microbiota. This is probably why cranberry juice is given when you feel nauseous. It is clear, rich in vitamin C, and settles your upset tummy (19), (20).

12. Might Affect Influenza (Flu Virus) Severity

Lahko vpliva na resnost virusa gripe
Lahko vpliva na resnost virusa gripe

Cranberry juice blocks the process of bacterial and human interaction. A 2005 study reported an active substance in this juice called NDM. This substance is said to interfere in the life cycle of the Influenza virus (21).

It is proposed that NDM can inhibit the adhesion and activity of this virus. The in-vitro findings suggest that NDM may target certain vital proteins of influenza virus (21), (22).

This juice may also prevent the development of secondary bacterial complications as it boosts the proliferation of immune system cells like NT cells, γδ-T cells, and so on (22), (23).

A glass of cranberry juice is a shot of health. It repairs, recharges, and rejuvenates your body. To top it all, its benefits have been experimentally proven.

The active components behind these properties have been characterized and studied extensively. Take a look at its nutrition profile below for more info.

Nutritional Value Of Cranberry Juice

Unit Water Energy Energy Protein Total lipid (fat) Asht Carbohydrate, by difference Fiber, total dietary Sugars, total Minerals Quantity
Iron, Fe Magnesium, Mg Phosphorus, P Potassium, K Sodium, Na Zinc, Zn Copper, Cu Selenium, Se Vitamins Quantity
Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B-6 Folate, total Folate, food Folate, DFE Choline, total Vitamin A, RAE Carotene, beta Vitamin A, IU Lutein + zeaxanthin Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

The predominant flavonoids present in cranberries are anthocyanins, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols (particularly proanthocyanidins). The major anthocyanins are peonidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-arabinoside, peonidin-3-arabinoside, peonidin-3-glucoside, and cyanidin-3-glucoside (24).

Hyperoside, quercetin, myricetin, avicularin, quercitrin, and their glycosides are also present in cranberries. Seventy five percent of the flavonols in processed cranberry juice were found to be quercetin (24).

No wonder this drink is a detox A-lister!

With the best and most potent phytochemicals in town, cranberry has the highest antioxidant capacity (4.56 μmol TE/g). It ranks on top among 24 most commonly consumed fruits (24).

Wondering how to experience the power of this juice? Why search elsewhere?

Scroll down to find a quick recipe to make this refreshing drink.

How To Make Cranberry Juice At Home

Kako pripraviti brusnični sok doma
Kako pripraviti brusnični sok doma

Here’s a super quick recipe for making cranberry juice at home. You can have it sweet or unsweetened. This versatile drink can be played around with, and you can add a variety of fruits to give it your twist!

What You Need
  • Cranberries: 1 quart
  • Water: 1 quart
  • Sweetener of choice: ½ to 1 cup (to taste) [Sugar, honey, pure cane syrup, agave nectar, or artificial sweetener]
  • Boiling pot: Medium-large
  • Strainer or muslin cloth
Let’s Make It
  1. Pour the water and cranberries into a pot.
  2. Bring them to a low boil until the cranberries pop. This should take about 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the cranberry juice through a fine strainer into a container.
  4. Squeeze the berries to extract the juice.
  5. Let the juice to cool down.
  6. Serve fresh or chilled.

Cheers! You just made some fresh homemade cranberry juice!

You can add a dash of lemon or orange to this juice. Apples, tangerines, citrus fruits, other berries, and watermelon go well with this drink.

You can also blend milk and cereal to make a cranberry-flavored meal smoothie!

Mix some chilled cranberry juice with vodka. Just what you need on a Friday night to get happy high!

Sip on some cranberry juice while you read the last few sections of this article.

It’s so easy to make this low-cal drink that you may almost want to have it every day for breakfast.

But, there are some side effects of drinking too much cranberry juice. Find out what they are in the next section.

Does Cranberry Juice Cause Any Side Effects?

Drinking cranberry juice is generally safe. However, large amounts can cause an upset stomach. With time, it may also increase the risk of kidney stones (25).

High doses of cranberry and its extracts may also exhibit drug interactions. Blood thinners or anticoagulants are particularly reactive to cranberry juice. Drugs like warfarin, heparin, aspirin are examples of this class of drugs (25).

Immunosuppressive drugs like tacrolimus might also interact with cranberry extract. Such situations might arise especially in someone who has received an organ transplant (26).

Such drug interactions can cause blood pressure fluctuations. If left untreated, fruit/herb-drug interactions can be fatal.

So, what is a safe way to consume cranberry juice? What is the daily limit of this drink?

What Is The Recommended Dose Of Cranberry Juice?

Well, there is no set value or range for this.

Ideally, 1-2 cups of cranberry juice per day are recommended for UTI prevention. You can also take about 3-6 cups a day, but make sure it is pure, unsweetened, or less sweet, and low in calories (27).

The safety of cranberry juice for pregnant and lactating women is not clear yet. It is best to consult a gynecologist before taking the plunge.

Also, if you are diagnosed with a UTI, consult a urologist or a nephrologist. Give an explicit account of your food habits. This helps the doctor choose the right supplements and doses for you.

In Conclusion…

Cranberry juice is the best summer drink with all its necessary bioactive ingredients. So, you can now relish cranberry cocktails without feeling guilty!

But, stick to the set limit. Follow the instructions given by your healthcare provider. You can try eating raw, whole cranberries for more fiber. Jams, powders, capsules, and other forms of cranberry supplements are available these days as well.

If you prefer homemade goods, try our recipe for making your own batch of cranberry juice. Write to us how you and your family liked it. Use the comments section below to reach us. We’d be happy to answer your queries.

Crank up the juicer for some cranberry cocktails!


  1. “Effects of cranberry juice consumption on vascular…” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine.
  2. “Cranberry” Health Encyclopedia, University of Rochester Medical Centre.
  3. “Cranberry juice for urinary tract infection in children” Official Publication of The College of Family Physicians of Canada, US National Library of Medicine.
  4. “Cranberry juice induces nitric oxide-dependent…” Journal of Medicinal Food, US National Library of Medicine.
  5. “Compounds in cranberry may have heart…” News, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  6. “Cranberry Juice Can Boost Heart Health” United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
  7. “Give Thanks for the Cranberry…” Newsroom, University of Rochester Medical Centre.
  8. “Influence of cranberry juice on the urinary risk factors for…” Upper Urinary Tract, British Journal of Urology (BJU) International.
  9. “Cranberry extract attenuates hepatic inflammation in…” Author manuscript, HHS Public Access, US National Library of Medicine.
  10. “Impact of Cranberries on Gut Microbiota and Cardiometabolic…” Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal, Plants for Human Health, NC State University.
  11. “Cranberry juice decreases disease activity in…” Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine.
  12. “Research backs cranberries for preventing urinary tract…” Harvard Women’s Health Watch, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School.
  13. “Cranberry-derived proanthocyanidins prevent formation of…” Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, US National Library of Medicine.
  14. “Favorable glycemic response of type 2…” Journal of Food Science, US National Library of Medicine.
  15. “The effects of cranberry juice on serum glucose…” Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, US National Library of Medicine.
  16. “WPI Research Shows How Cranberry Juice…” News & Events, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
  17. “Antioxidant Effects of Cranberry Powder in Lipopolysaccharide…” Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, US National Library of Medicine.
  18. “Ivana Visnjic: The Best Drinks for Weight Loss” Scalar Summer Institute, University of Southern California.
  19. “Impact of Cranberries on Gut Microbiota and…” Advances in Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine.
  20. “Stomach Flu – What to Do?” BuckMD Blog, The Ohio State University.
  21. “Cranberry juice constituents affect influenza…” Antiviral research, US National Library of Medicine
  22. “High molecular weight constituents of cranberry…” Planta Medica, US National Library of Medicine.
  23. “Consumption of cranberry polyphenols enhances human γδ-T…” Nutrition Journal, US National Library of Medicine.
  24. „Posebni članek o brusnicah (Vaccinium macrocarpon) in dejavnikih srčno-žilnih bolezni“, Nutrition Reviews, Digitalne zbirke Nacionalne kmetijske knjižnice, USDA.
  25. Nacionalni center za komplementarno in integrativno zdravje “Cranberry”, Nacionalni inštitut za zdravje.
  26. Sum medsebojnega delovanja izvlečkov brusničnega soka …”Cureus., Ameriška nacionalna medicinska knjižnica.
  27. Monografija "brusnice", Univerza v Koloradu, Denver.


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