Pomanjkanje železa - Vzroki, Simptomi In Zdravljenje


Video: Pomanjkanje železa - Vzroki, Simptomi In Zdravljenje

Video: Pomanjkanje železa - Vzroki, Simptomi In Zdravljenje
Video: Pomanjkanje železa pri otroku 2024, April
Pomanjkanje železa - Vzroki, Simptomi In Zdravljenje
Pomanjkanje železa - Vzroki, Simptomi In Zdravljenje

"Uživanje zdrave hranljive hrane je preprosta in pravilna rešitev, da se brez napora znebite odvečne telesne teže in za vedno postanete vitki in zdravi." - Subodh Gupta, avtor 7 navad suhe ženske

Proslavljeni avtor zagotovo ve, o čem govori. Prehrana je gradnik našega celotnega zdravja. Za pravilno delovanje naših sistemov potrebujemo ustrezne količine vitaminov in mineralov. Z našimi grozljivimi urniki morda ne bomo mogli dobiti ustreznih količin teh hranil, kar bi povzročilo pomanjkljivosti, ki bi vplivale na naše zdravje. Železo je eno takšnih hranil, ki je pomembno za naše telo.


  • Železo in naše zdravje
  • Priporočeni prehranski dodatek (RDA) za železo
  • Pomanjkanje železa
  • Vzroki za pomanjkanje železa
  • Žrtve pomanjkanja železa
  • Simptomi pomanjkanja železa
  • Bolezni pomanjkanja železa
  • Zdravljenje pomanjkanja železa

Železo in naše zdravje

Železo je pomemben mineral, ki v našem telesu opravlja več funkcij; najpomembnejša med njimi je proizvodnja rdečih krvnih celic, ki prenašajo kisik v telesu. Prav tako našim mišicam omogoča shranjevanje in uporabo kisika

Železo je del mnogih encimov in tako pomaga pri izvajanju številnih celičnih funkcij. Encimi olajšajo prebavo hrane in druge pomembne reakcije, ki se pojavijo v našem telesu

Železo je zato bistvenega pomena za vaše telo, zato morate iz vsakodnevne prehrane dobiti priporočeni odmerek.

Priporočeni prehranski dodatek (RDA) za železo

Življenjski oder
0–6 mesecev 7–12 mesecev Otroci 4–8 let Moški 14–18 let 19–30 let 31–50 let 51–70 let > 70 let Ženske 14–18 let 19–30 let 31–50 let 51–70 let > 70 let Nosečnica 19–30 let 31–50 let Doječe ženske 19–30 let 31–50 let

Pomanjkanje železa

Pomanjkanje železa je znano tudi kot anemija ali anemija zaradi pomanjkanja železa. Ta bolezen je ena najpogostejših prehranskih pomanjkljivosti, zlasti pri otrocih in ženskah pred menopavzo. Za to stanje je značilno izčrpavanje zalog železa v telesu in nezmožnost telesa vzdrževati normalno raven hemoglobina v krvi.

Hemoglobin je snov, ki je prisotna v rdečih krvnih celicah in jim omogoča prenos kisika po telesu. Zaradi pomanjkanja železa telo ne more proizvajati dovolj hemoglobina. Posledica je funkcionalna in zdravstvena okvara, ki negativno vpliva na delovanje več organskih sistemov.

Vzroki za pomanjkanje železa

Vzroki se vrtijo okoli nezadostne porabe železa ali izgube preveč železa. V obeh primerih vaše telo ne more proizvesti dovolj hemoglobina. Nekateri najpogostejši vzroki za pomanjkanje železa so naslednji.

1. Povečane potrebe po železu:

Obstajajo določeni pogoji, pod katerimi ljudje potrebujejo dodatne količine železa

  • Dojenčki in malčki imajo večje potrebe po železu v primerjavi s starejšimi otroki, saj so v fazi hitre rasti in včasih jim je težko dobiti dovolj železa iz običajne prehrane.
  • Nosečnice potrebujejo več železa, ker morajo njihovi viri železa služiti lastni povečani količini krvi in zagotavljati hemoglobin za rastoči plod.

2. Izguba krvi:

Ko ljudje izgubijo kri, izgubijo tudi železo, saj kri vsebuje železo v rdečih krvnih celicah. Torej potrebujejo dodatno železo, da nadomestijo izgubljeno železo.

  • Ženske s težkimi menstruacijami pogosteje trpijo zaradi anemije zaradi pomanjkanja železa, saj med menstruacijo izgubijo kri.
  • Nekatere bolezni, kot so peptični čir, hiatalna kila, polip debelega črevesa ali kolorektalni rak, povzročajo tudi počasno kronično izgubo krvi v telesu, kar povzroči pomanjkanje železa.
  • Krvavitve iz prebavil zaradi redne uporabe nekaterih zdravil za lajšanje bolečin, kot je aspirin, lahko povzročijo tudi anemijo. Notranja krvavitev je najpogostejši vzrok za pomanjkanje železa pri moških in ženskah po menopavzi.

3. Pomanjkanje železa v prehrani:

Železo, ki ga potrebujejo naša telesa, večinoma pridobivamo iz hrane, ki jo jemo. Poraba prenizkega odmerka železa skozi čas lahko privede do pomanjkanja železa. Hrana, bogata z železom, vključuje meso, listnato zelenjavo, jajca in hrano, obogateno z železom. Dojenčki in otroci potrebujejo tudi železo iz prehrane za pravilno rast in razvoj.

4. Mal-absorption of Iron:

Besides consumption, iron from food should be absorbed into your bloodstream in your small intestine. Celiac disease is an intestinal disorder that affects your intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients from digested food, thus causing iron deficiency. Absorption of iron is also affected if part of your intestine has been bypassed or removed surgically. The amount of iron absorbed from foods depends upon other factors given below.

Iron from animal sources like meat, chicken and fish is heme iron which can be absorbed 2 to 3 times more efficiently than non-heme iron from plants.

Absorption of non-heme iron from plant foods depends upon the other types of foods eaten with them. For instance, foods like meat, chicken and fish which contain heme iron increase absorption from foods containing non-heme iron such as fortified cereals, spinach and certain beans. Foods containing vitamin C can also enhance the absorption of non-heme iron when eaten at the same meal.

Substances like polyphenols, phytates or calcium which are found in some foods or drinks such as tea, coffee, whole grains, legumes, milk and dairy products can decrease the absorption of non-heme iron.

Victims of Iron Deficiency

Though anyone can suffer from iron deficiency, certain people are at greater risk. Since the risk is high their needs for iron is greater than others.

1. Women:

Women lose blood during menstruation and so they are at a greater risk of suffering from anaemia. Pregnant women can also get this deficiency because of high iron requirement.

2. Infants and Children:

Infants, particularly those with low birth-weight or born prematurely, do not get enough iron from breast milk or formula and so they are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. Children need extra iron during growth phase. Children with special health needs such as those with chronic infections or restricted diet are also at risk.

3. Vegetarians:

Those who do not eat meat are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. As stated earlier, plants contain non-heme iron which needs to be supplemented with other sources of heme iron like meat, fish and eggs to facilitate their absorption.

4. Frequent Blood Donors:

Those who donate blood frequently are at an increased risk of iron deficiency as their iron stores get depleted due to blood donation. Low haemoglobin caused by blood donation is, however, a temporary problem which can be cured by eating iron rich foods.

Iron Deficiency Symptoms

Inadequate levels of iron can impair body functions. Most physical signs and symptoms do not show up as they are mild. You can notice them only when your anaemia gets worse. The symptoms are not visible during the early stages of iron deficiency. A person having iron deficiency may have the following symptoms.

  • Tiredness and weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pale skin
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Slow cognitive and social development during childhood
  • Coldness in hands and feet
  • Difficulty in maintenance of body temperature
  • Počasna imunska funkcija, ki povečuje dovzetnost za okužbe
  • Glossitis (vneti jezik)
  • Simptomi pri dojenčkih in otrocih: -
  • Naporno vedenje
  • Kratek razpon pozornosti
  • Počasna rast in razvoj
  • Slab apetit
  • Zapozneli razvoj spretnosti, kot sta hoja in pogovor

[Preberite: Vzroki podhranjenosti]

Bolezni pomanjkanja železa

Pomanjkanje železa je resno stanje, ki lahko, če ga vzamete lahko, povzroči dolgoročne zdravstvene težave. Blago pomanjkanje železa ne povzroča resnih zapletov, če pa se ne zdravi, lahko privede do naslednjih zdravstvenih težav.

iron deficiency anemia
iron deficiency anemia

1. Anemija:

Severe deficiency of iron can cause anaemia due to the disruption of the normal lifespan of a red blood cell. In this condition, haemoglobin levels are so low that the blood is unable to enough oxygen to the cells, thus affecting the entire body. Symptoms of anaemia include looking very pale, breathlessness, dizziness and fatigue. It also results in reduced immune function and impaired growth and cognition.

2. Heart Ailments:

Deficiency of iron can lead to rapid or irregular heartbeat. When you are anaemic, your heart is required to pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen carried in your blood. This can cause enlarged heart or heart failure.

3. Inadequate Growth:

Severe deficiency of iron can lead to delayed growth and development in infants and children. It is also associated with increased susceptibility to develop infections.

4. Complications in Pregnancy:

Pregnant women are at a higher risk of iron deficiency. It can lead to premature births and babies with low birth-weight. This condition can be easily prevented during pregnancy by taking iron supplements as part of prenatal care.

5. Colon Cancer:

Iron deficiency is one of the causes of colon cancer. A research conducted on 628, 882 patients of 40 years of age and above indicated that 3.1% or 19, 349 patients had iron deficiency anaemia. Thus, those suffering from iron deficiency are at a greater risk of developing colon cancer.

6. Fatigue:

Iron deficiency can result in fatigue. It is characterized by depression and lack of sleep. Hence, iron deficiency should be recognized and treated to prevent fatigue.

[Read: Nutritionists In India]

Treatment of Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency should not be ignored as it can lead to several health problems. Proper diagnosis and treatment of this problem is important before the condition worsens. Iron deficiency can be easily diagnosed by taking a haemoglobin test which measures haemoglobin or haematocrit test which measures the percentage of red blood cells in your blood by volume.

Reduction in haemoglobin and haematocrit levels indicates a serious deficiency of iron. Treatment of iron deficiency depends upon other factors such as your age, health and cause of iron deficiency. Some of the ways of treating iron deficiency are given below.

1. Consumption of Iron Rich Foods:

Mild deficiency of iron can be cured by including iron rich foods in your diet. The iron from animal sources like meat, poultry and eggs is more easily absorbed by your body. If you are a vegetarian, you need to increase your intake of iron-rich plant-based foods to absorb the same amount of iron as the plant sources. The list given below shows the sources of heme and non-heme iron.

Serving Size Iron % Guideline

Iron supplements such as iron tablets and capsules are often recommended by the doctors to replenish the iron stores in your body. To facilitate better absorption of iron in the tablets, it is beneficial to take them on an empty stomach. Since these tablets can upset your stomach, it is often recommended to take them with meals.

3. Consumption of Foods Rich in Vitamin C:

Vitamin C enhances the body’s absorption of iron. It is advisable to drink citrus juice or other foods rich in vitamin C at the same time when you eat high iron foods. Citrus juices like orange juice or lemon juice contain vitamin C which helps your body to better absorb dietary iron. Iron supplements should also be taken with a glass of citrus juice or vitamin C supplement for better absorption.

4. Treatment of Underlying Causes of Iron Deficiency:

If the iron supplements fail to increase your blood iron levels, the deficiency is due to a source of bleeding or iron absorption problem which needs to be diagnosed and treated. Treatment of the underlying causes of deficiency involves the following.

  • Medications such as oral contraceptives to lessen heavy menstrual flow
  • Antibiotics and other medications for the treatment of peptic ulcers
  • Surgery for removal of a tumour, bleeding polyp or fibroid

5. Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Infants:

Apart from the supplements recommended by the doctor, babies should be fed with breast-milk or iron-fortified formula in the first year. Cow’s milk is not a good source of iron and so it should not be given to infants below the age of one year. Iron from breast milk can be more easily absorbed than the iron found in formula.

Iron deficiency cannot be cured overnight. If your deficiency is severe, it can take several months or even longer to replenish your reserves. Besides ingesting iron in the form of supplements, it is advisable to incorporate dietary changes i.e. consume iron rich foods. So don’t become iron deficient, follow these tips to avoid any complications. Stay fit, stay healthy!


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