16 Impresivnih Prehranskih Koristi Jagod Za Kožo, Lase In Zdravje


Video: 16 Impresivnih Prehranskih Koristi Jagod Za Kožo, Lase In Zdravje

Video: 16 Impresivnih Prehranskih Koristi Jagod Za Kožo, Lase In Zdravje
Video: UGRIZNIMO ZNANOST: Prehranska dopolnila za kožo 2024, April
16 Impresivnih Prehranskih Koristi Jagod Za Kožo, Lase In Zdravje
16 Impresivnih Prehranskih Koristi Jagod Za Kožo, Lase In Zdravje

Jagode (Fragaria ananassa) so najbolj priljubljene jagode na svetu. Verjame, da izvira iz Francije, te jagode pa ne samo dobrega okusa, ampak tudi dobrega.

Bogati so z vitamini, minerali in antioksidanti, ki so koristni za vaše srce in krvni sladkor.

Te jagode so tudi odličen vir vitamina C in mineralov, kot sta kalij in mangan.

Jagode so svetlo rdeče, sladke in sočne ter se lahko uporabljajo v želejih, sladicah in marmeladah.

Nadaljujte z branjem, če želite izvedeti, kako so dobri za vaše zdravje.


  • Kakšne so zdravstvene koristi jagod?
  • Kakšen je prehranski profil jagod?
  • Kakšni nasveti za vključitev jagod v prehrano?
  • Kateri jagodni recepti, ki jih lahko pogledate?
  • Kakšni so stranski učinki jagod?

Kakšne so zdravstvene koristi jagod?

Antioksidanti in polifenoli v teh jagodah podpirajo zdravje srca in preprečujejo različne oblike raka. In tudi vitamin C, ki ga vsebujejo te jagode, kar prav tako prispeva k zdravju kože in las. Vlaknine teh jagod so polne pripomočkov za prebavo in pomagajo pri hujšanju.

1. Lahko zaščiti srce

Obilje antioksidantov in polifenolov v jagodah je idealna hrana za zaščito srca pred boleznimi. Jagode vsebujejo antocianine (antioksidante, ki so odgovorni za njihov rdeč odtenek), ki ščitijo obloge krvnega obtoka, s čimer arterije ščitijo pred nabiranjem oblog in uravnavajo krvni tlak (1).

Po besedah dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, kardiologinje iz bolnišnice Lenox Hill v New Yorku, so ženske, ki so vsak teden zaužile tri ali več obrokov jagodičja (zlasti jagod), zmanjšale tveganje za srčni napad za tretjino.

2. Lahko uravnava ravni sladkorja v krvi

Jagode vsebujejo tudi elagično kislino, ta pa skupaj z antioksidanti pomaga pri upočasnitvi prebave škrobne hrane. To nadzoruje dvig ravni sladkorja v krvi po škrobnem obroku. Prav tako pomaga posameznikom s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 pri nadzoru ravni sladkorja v krvi (2).

Jagode imajo tudi nizek glikemični indeks (40), kar pomeni, da verjetno ne bodo povzročile ostrih konic sladkorja, kadar jih bodo uživali diabetiki.

Vlaknine v jagodah lahko pomagajo tudi pri uravnavanju ravni sladkorja v krvi.

3. Lahko pomaga v boju proti raku

Jagode so izjemno dobri viri vitamina C in vlaknin, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da varujejo pred rakom požiralnika in debelega črevesa. Po mnenju Ameriškega inštituta za raziskave raka antikancerogene lastnosti jagod lahko pripišemo prisotnosti elagične kisline - fitokemikalije, ki lahko preprečuje raka kože, pljuč, mehurja in dojk (3).

Elagična kislina deluje na več načinov kot sredstvo proti raku - deluje kot antioksidant, upočasni tvorbo rakavih celic in pomaga telesu uničiti nekatere vrste rakotvornih snovi.

4. Lahko poveča imuniteto

Jagode so odličen vir vitamina C. Dejansko ima ena porcija jagod več vitamina C kot pomaranča. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da vitamin C sproži protitelesa za krepitev imunosti, ki v končni fazi povečajo sposobnost telesa za boj proti okužbam (4).

V eni študiji, izvedeni v Švici, je bilo ugotovljeno, da je dodajanje vitamina C izboljšalo različne sestavine imunskega sistema (5).

Glede na raziskave južnoafriških zdravnikov je dodajanje vitamina C povečalo koncentracijo imunoglobulina, ki je protitelo in ključna sestavina imunskega sistema (6). Znano je tudi, da se jagode borijo proti alergijam in astmi.

5. Lahko uravnava krvni tlak

Kot smo že omenili, jagode vsebujejo antocianine, ki so močni antioksidanti, ki sproščajo obloge krvnih žil in jih odpirajo ter s tem znižujejo krvni tlak (1).

Jagode so bogate tudi s kalijem, hranilom, ki pomaga nadzorovati krvni tlak (7).

6. Lahko izboljša zdravje možganov

Znova gre zasluga antioksidantom. Jagode z visoko vsebnostjo antioksidantov ščitijo možganske celice pred poškodbami zaradi prostih radikalov. Spremenijo tudi način medsebojne komunikacije nevronov v možganih (8). To na koncu vodi do boljšega zdravja možganov.

Študija, ki so jo opravili raziskovalci s Harvarda v bolnišnici Brigham and Women's Hospital, je pokazala, da lahko uživanje jagod sčasoma upočasni upad spomina pri starejših ženskah (9). To korist lahko pripišemo prisotnosti flavonoidov v jagodah. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da je povečan vnos antocianidinov pripomogel k upočasnitvi upada spomina.

Glede na študije, ki so jih izvedli raziskovalci z univerze Tufts in univerze Maryland Baltimore, je večina možganskih bolezni (vključno z Alzheimerjevo in Parkinsonovo) povzročena zaradi povečanja količine določenih strupenih beljakovin. Ugotovljeno pa je bilo, da uživanje jagod spodbuja naravni mehanizem gospodinjstva v možganih (imenovan tudi avtofagija) in s tem zmanjšuje kopičenje teh beljakovin (10).

7. maj se bori proti vnetjem

Jagode vsebujejo kvercetin in v skladu s študijo, ki jo je izvedla Univerza v Massachusettsu, lahko vnos kvercetina skupaj z rednim gibanjem zmanjša nastanek aterosklerotičnih oblog (11).

Jagode so bogate tudi z vitaminom C, ki ima pomembno vlogo pri preprečevanju vnetij (12). Ta vitamin ima tudi vlogo pri lajšanju simptomov artritisa in protina.

Ugotovljeno je bilo, da lahko visoke ravni C-reaktivnega proteina (ali CRP) signalizirajo naraščajoče stopnje vnetja v telesu. Po mnenju raziskovalcev s Harvardske šole za javno zdravje so bile ženske, ki so vsak teden zaužile 16 ali več jagod, za 14 odstotkov manj verjetno, da bi imele povišano raven te beljakovine (13).

8. maj se bori proti holesterolu

Znano je, da jagode vsebujejo pektin, ki je vrsta topnih vlaknin, ki znižujejo raven LDL (slabega holesterola) v telesu (14).

Po raziskavi iz New Orleansa je več vrst topnih vlaknin, vključno s pektinom, znižalo raven LDL (15).

Glede na analizo, ki so jo skupaj izvedli italijanski in španski znanstveniki, se je poraba 500 gramov jagod v enem mesecu redno zniževala v ravni LDL (16).

Druga kanadska študija je pokazala učinkovitost jagod pri zmanjševanju oksidativne škode in slabega holesterola (17).

9. Lahko izboljša zdravje vida

Jagode so napolnjene z antioksidanti, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da preprečujejo sive mrene, degeneracijo rumene pege in druge očesne bolezni (18).

10. Maj pomaga hujšanju

Elagična kislina in antioksidanti igrajo glavno vlogo pri izdelavi jagod, idealnih za hujšanje (19).

Kronično vnetje je eden od vzrokov za povečanje telesne mase, saj blokira hormone, zaradi katerih ste vitki. Jagoda, ki je neverjetno protivnetno živilo, obnavlja funkcionalnost hormonov za zmanjšanje telesne teže (20).

Poleg tega antocianini, glavni antioksidanti, povečajo proizvodnjo hormona, imenovanega adiponektin, v telesu (21). Ta hormon spodbuja presnovo in zavira vaš apetit. Prav tako lahko povzroči izgorevanje maščob.

11. Lahko podpira zdravo nosečnost

Jagode so bogat vir folata (22). Iz ene skodelice surovih jagod dobite približno 40 mikrogramov folata. To je približno 10% priporočenega dnevnega vnosa. Po raziskavah je folat med nosečnostjo pomemben, saj lahko prepreči okvare nevralne cevi. Pomembno je tudi za zdravje matere (23).

12. Naj bodo zobje zdravi

Jagode vsebujejo jabolčno kislino, ki deluje adstringentno in odstranjuje razbarvanje zob. To pomeni, da lahko to sadje uporabite za beljenje zob. Preprosto lahko jagode zdrobite v kašo in zmešate s sodo bikarbono, dokler ne dobite gladke mešanice (24). Z mehko zobno ščetko zmes namažite na zobe. Pustite delovati 5 minut, temeljito operite z zobno pasto in sperite.

Vendar ne pretiravajte, saj lahko kislina v sadju poškoduje vašo sklenino.

13. May Have Anti-Aging Properties

The powerful antioxidants need to be given credit, again! These protect our body from oxidative damage and stall the signs of aging (wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, etc.) (25).

They are also great sources of lycopene, an antioxidant that plays a prominent role in staving off the signs of aging. The anthocyanins present in strawberries protect the skin from oxidative stress, thereby slowing down aging (26).

14. May Improve Skin Health

Berries usually contain alpha-hydroxy acid, which is an important substance that helps eliminate dead skin cells and cleanses the skin in the process (27).

According to a study conducted by Hahnemann University School of Medicine, Pennsylvania, treatments with alpha-hydroxy acids have been found to reverse signs of aging (28).

The strawberry fruit also contains salicylic acid and ellagic acid, which are known for reducing hyperpigmentation and dark spots (29). Salicylic acid is also known for removing dead cells from the skin and tightening the skin pores to prevent further acne breakouts (30).

Strawberries are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which can cleanse the skin and keep it healthy. The berries have other skin benefits too – they improve your complexion, tone and soothe irritated skin, and offer protection from UV radiation.

You can simply mix strawberry paste with some honey and apply it to your face every morning. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and wash with cold water. You can replace honey with rose water as well. Or even add milk to the recipe. All these ingredients work wonders in improving skin health.

15. May Prevent Hair Fall

As already discussed, strawberries are great sources of vitamin C – a nutrient that encourages iron absorption and promotes hair growth. It has also been found that a deficiency of this nutrient can lead to split ends (31). The vitamin can also treat dandruff.

It is also believed that the silica in strawberries may slow down baldness and boost hair growth. However, there is no scientific evidence to back this claim.

You can prepare a strawberry hair mask that can help you deal with your hair problems. Mix strawberry paste (2 berries) with extra virgin coconut oil and honey (1 tablespoon each). Apply to your scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes, post which you can wash your hair with cold water. This must be done on a clean scalp, usually in the mornings after your bath. This mask also prevents scalp fungal growth – the magnesium in the berries takes care of this problem.

16. May Have Benefits For Men

The antioxidants in strawberries benefit your heart and arteries – both of which enhance circulation, which is crucial for healthy sex life. The vitamin C in the berries also results in higher sperm count in men (32).

That’s with the long list of benefits. Simply incredible, aren’t they? But, how can you use these wonder berries in your cooking? Well, we have the answers.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Strawberries?

Amount %DV
Vitamin A 1 µg 0%
Vitamin C 58.8 mg 65%
Vitamin D 0 µg ~
Vitamin E 0.29 mg 2%
Vitamin K 2.2 µg 2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.02 mg 2%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.02 mg 2%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.39 mg 2%
Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic acid) 0.13 mg 3%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.05 mg 4%
Vitamin B12 0 µg ~
Folate 24 µg 6%
Choline 5.7 mg 1%
Amount %DV
Calcium 16 mg 2%
Iron 0.41 mg 5%
Magnesium 13 mg 3%
Phosphorus 24 mg 3%
Potassium 153 mg 3%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Zinc 0.14 mg 1%
Copper 0.05 mg 5%
Manganese 0.39 mg 17%
Selenium 0.4 µg 1%

Source: USDA

One cup of fresh strawberries (152 grams) contains 49 calories and 7 grams of sugar. Strawberries contain no fat, and one cup contains 3 grams of fiber.

Other nutrients in strawberries include:

  • 1 gram of protein (2% of the daily value)
  • 4 milligrams of vitamin C (149% of the daily value)
  • 6 milligrams of manganese (29% of the daily value)
  • 5 micrograms of folate (9% of the daily value)
  • 233 milligrams of potassium (7% of the daily value)
  • 8 milligrams of magnesium (5% of the daily value)
  • 3 micrograms of vitamin K (4% of the daily value)

There are numerous other nutrients in strawberries that offer wonderful benefits. But how can you include these wonder berries in your diet? Well, we have the answers.

Any Tips For Including Strawberries In Your Diet?

Strawberries are most commonly used in desserts and ice creams. Their extracts are also used as preservatives in a variety of products. Due to their sweet and juicy flavor, they can also be eaten whole like other fruits. Today, they form a part of various recipes. Given below are some tips for enjoying this delicious fruit.

  • You can simply eat the strawberries raw. Before doing so, wash them in running water and wipe them with paper towels until they are completely dry. Holding the strawberry by the stem, take a few bites. Even the seeds are edible.
  • Strawberry slices can be added to a mixed green salad to make it yummier.
  • Strawberry mousse is one of our favorites. It is quite delicious and can be eaten as it is or served as a topping over other desserts.
  • Sliced strawberries, whole blueberries, and plain yogurt can be arranged in layers in a wine glass to make a parfait dessert.
  • Strawberries can be blended with orange juice to make the perfect coulis sauce. This fruit can also be added to breakfast shakes to make them more vibrant and nutritious.
  • Strawberry pie can be prepared by piling the whole fruits on a layer of creamy filling.
  • Strawberries are not just perfect for desserts – they can be used in the main dish as well. A chicken and strawberry salad is a perfect example that combines the amazing flavors of sweet strawberries, tangy vinaigrette, chicken, and rich blue cheese.
  • Pizzas can also be topped with strawberries. You can layer your favorite pizza with strawberry slices along with soft cheese or greens and pistachios.
  • The strawberry-avocado salsa is an extremely sweet and savory dish that can be served with roasted chicken or sautéed fish or eaten as a snack with baked tortilla chips.
  • Strawberries can add flavor to your tea as well. All you need to do is add some tea and a cup of strawberries to boiling water. Cover and let it stand for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and add ice cubes and sugar. This refreshing drink can be garnished with strawberries and served chilled.

That’s not all. In the following section, we have a couple of delicious strawberry recipes!

Any Strawberry Recipes You Can Look At?

1. Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberry Smoothie
Strawberry Smoothie

What You Need

  • 8 hulled strawberries
  • ½ cup of skim milk
  • ½ cup of plain yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 6 crushed ice cubes


  1. In a blender, add all the ingredients (except the ice) and blend until you obtain a smooth mixture.
  2. Toss in the ice and blend again.
  3. Pour into glasses and serve.

Here are five other ways you can prepare this delicious strawberry smoothie. This video will guide you.

2. Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Jam

What You Need

  • 2 pounds of fresh hulled strawberries
  • 4 cups of white sugar
  • ¼ cup of lemon juice


  1. Crush all the strawberries until you have 4 cups of mashed strawberry.
  2. Take a heavy-bottomed saucepan, and mix the mashed strawberry, sugar, and lemon juice. Stir over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Increase the heat and bring the mixture to a rolling boil. Keep stirring often.
  4. Transfer the mixture to hot sterile jars, leaving about an inch of headspace. Seal. Process the jars in a water bath.
  5. Refrigerate.

The recipes are bound to become a hit at your home. And so are these fun facts about strawberries.

What Are The Side Effects Of Strawberries?

Issues With Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Though taking the fruit in normal amounts is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, not enough research has been conducted to know what will happen if it is taken in excess. Stick to normal food amounts.

Bleeding Disorders

Strawberries might prolong bleeding time and even increase the risk of bruising in susceptible individuals. Use with caution if you have bleeding disorders. Also, take care if you are undergoing surgery as strawberries might slow blood clotting. Avoid use at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. Keep in mind that research is limited in this area.


Strawberries are delicious, low in calories, and rich in many vitamins and minerals. These berries can add sweetness to a healthy diet.

They contain a wide range of nutrients that can help reduce blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, and oxidative stress.

However, people with kidney ailments should be careful about the intake of this fruit.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How much sugar in strawberries?

One small strawberry contains just about 0.3 grams of sugar.

Can you give strawberries to babies?

Only after he/she starts taking solid food – which usually happens when the baby is about 6 months old.

How to make strawberry tea?

Simply steep some strawberries in boiling water. Drain and drink.

Can you eat the leaves of strawberries?

Yes, very much.

Are strawberries fattening at night?

No. The fiber in the fruits helps in digestion and even can aid fat burning.

What is strawberry tongue?

Red color changes on the tongue that could otherwise be related to an underlying condition is called strawberry tongue.

How many strawberries should you eat in a day?

Eight strawberries a day may improve heart health and reduce the risk of some cancers.

Are strawberries good for belly fat?

Yes, strawberries are good for reducing belly fat. They are rich in fiber, which curbs hunger and improves digestive function.

Are strawberries good for breakfast?

Yes, strawberries are good for breakfast because they are rich in fiber and low in calories.

Are strawberries good for bone health?

Though there is not much research on this, the vitamin K, potassium, and manganese in strawberries are said to improve bone health.

Do strawberries help in treating constipation?

Given that strawberries are rich in fiber, they can help treat constipation. The fiber in the fruit can also relieve other digestive issues like gas and bloating.

Can strawberries treat puffy eyes?

Strawberries contain amazing astringent properties that help treat puffy eyes. They also contain alpha hydroxy acid, which makes the skin look smooth and young. Refrigerate a couple of strawberries for about 30 minutes. After that, remove their tops and cut them into thick slices. Place the slices over your face and leave them on for about 15 minutes. Remove them and wash your face with cold water. You can do this every night before going to bed.

32 sources

Stylecraze ima stroge smernice za nabavo in se opira na strokovne študije, akademske raziskovalne ustanove in zdravniška združenja. Izogibamo se uporabi terciarnih referenc. Več o tem, kako zagotavljamo, da je naša vsebina natančna in aktualna, lahko preberete v naši uredniški politiki.

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  • The importance of potassium in managing hypertension, Current Hypertension Reports, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of a mixed berry beverage on cognitive functions and cardiometabolic risk markers; A randomized cross-over study in healthy older adults, A Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal (PLOS), US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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  • Beneficial effects of fruit extracts on neuronal function and behavior in a rodent model of accelerated aging, Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier.


  • Quercetin intake with exercise modulates lipoprotein metabolism and reduces atherosclerosis plaque formation, Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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  • Best Fruits for Arthritis, Arthritis Foundation.


  • Cholesterol-lowering properties of different pectin types in mildly hyper-cholesterolemic men and women, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of soluble dietary fiber on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and coronary heart reports, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


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